Yeah, there's already been plenty of love shared for that soundtrack around here, but I agree with you 100%. I wonder what else that guy is up to... Wonder if he'll do some more work with Supergiant Games.
Yeah, there's already been plenty of love shared for that soundtrack around here, but I agree with you 100%. I wonder what else that guy is up to... Wonder if he'll do some more work with Supergiant Games.
Hm, I seem to remember reading that if someone's caught cheating (or just playing incorrectly), nothing really happens. No undo's or anything. It's everyone else's fault for not noticing sooner, and you make them play correctly from then on. I could be mistaken, though. In any case, I would hope that everyone's…
I do! I love that game! I don't think we've really played with any variations, though. I prefer to stick to the rules. This one time we tried to implement a drinking game, where you take a shot - in this case Buttershots (yum!) - whenever Bad Stuff happens to you. Was a pretty good time.
Holy cow, that pushover plunge is hilarious, too.
Hahaha, I love the Gopher one, as well.
Hey, you're not alone. I'm 23 and still have no clue what I want to do. I often feel pretty alone in this problem, but I have to remind myself that many people my age probably don't know for sure, either.
Haha, my guess is they're droplets of milk.
It does look like his style, though. Eric Carle is the first person I thought of, anyway.
Oh, sorry, not knockin' 80's and 90's tunes. I'm actually a big fan myself. What I meant to refer to was your comment about work in an amusement park being soul-crushing.
Oh, so ABP has been the cause of my recent YouTube woes? And here I thought it was my computer being slow and old, or the fact that I currently have roughly a million tabs open (both of which may still be factors). I think I'll just have to bear it, though. I rather prefer to have ABP activated.
Oh, alright, that's good to know. Thanks.
That would be hilarious.
Wait - what's that bit about love interests?! They'd better patch it. Or it had better not be true at all. Especially since I really dislike Liara.
I wouldn't blame you if you also started dancing, haha.
Damn, I love that Soulchild remix so much!
I have to agree that what really appeals to me about Bleach is the cast of characters. There a lot of them, and that can be overwhelming at times, but they're all so great and likeable, in my opinion.
I hate the dust. It's dry and ugly and allergenic...and it gets everywhere.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make concerning the development time in the franchises. Doesn't Square-Enix create an entirely new engine for each Final Fantasy, whereas the Mass Effect games all run on Unreal Engine? Wouldn't that just show the former to be terribly inefficient?
Oh, I've seen this before. Those guys sure wiped the floor with those three. And the guy in the shorts just got creamed. He had no chance.
Yeah, poor Garrus could really use it. Ah, well. He's even more of a badass now, I guess.