Mr. Mosty-Toasty, fka Cracklin' Oat Train

1) I certainly recognize that the existing terms have stuck, and that a new term probably wouldn't catch on too well, but at least "hardcore" has been reduced to "core" in many instances. This allows me to think of core in the sense of "central" or "concentrated", rather than "hardcore". Know what I mean? Puts my mind

Haha, yeah, I'd actually like to see the term start getting used though. The "ludo-" part makes me think of "lewd", but I can get over it.

I think most folks agree that "hardcore" and "casual" are misnomers when it comes to gaming audiences, but I think I've got a possible solution. If we want to have a title that has similar connotations to those of bibliophile, technophile and audiophile, why not start using something along the lines of "video

Since I imagine Stephen is indisposed at the moment, I will answer in his stead:

Haha, well done!

Man, I really wish multiplatform multiplayer would become a reality, and soon. Why not allow people to purchase a game for the console they prefer and still let them play it with friends who may prefer the other console? I have Red Dead Redemption for PS3, and that's the way I like it, but it sucks that I've had to

I see. Thank you!

Could someone explain the Crecente Smash Bros. Review video to me? I've seen it around now and then for quite a while, but what's the story behind it? Who is the guy?

Hahaha, I always think of the Sneetches when it comes to stars around here.

Haha, yeah, I hear ya. And after hearing from others just how massive the game world is and how long it can take to play, it sounds like I might have a tough time making much backlog progress this spring.

I'm looking forward to finally giving Xenoblade a go. And if Dragon's Crown is going to be released in the US this year, then I'm definitely looking forward to that. I need another dose of Vanillaware!

Haha, I considered that, too. Maybe that would be the best course to take after all.

So long, Brian! It'll be a little strange around here without one of the most familiar faces of Kotaku. I never quite understood why commenters were so enamored with your luscious, flowing locks, but you wrote some good stuff. Good luck with whatever you take on next!

Congratulations, Stephen! I've always really enjoyed your articles, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Kotaku will be like under your leadership.

That would be amazing. And just for kicks, let's have Shaq reprise his role as Kazaam.

Mine are pretty similar to yours. I really need to get cracking on my backlog, so that's going to be a focus of mine for 2012. As such, I have also resolved to abstain from new game purchases (if I can help it), with the notable exceptions of ME3 and Xenoblade Chronicles. We'll see how well this holds up.

That header picture is patently preposterous. In such a scenario, those Boos should be frozen with their faces covered.

I had read "Bane" as "Bale" in the title and thought, "Oh, so is Batman going to sound less ridiculous? Splendid!" However, it would seem I may not be so lucky.

Oh, I bet Hill Top Zone really would be great. I always thought that zone was pretty cool. I'd be interested to see what they could do with it.