Haha, wow, that is so wrong. But that kid's added stance and facial expression make me chuckle.
Haha, wow, that is so wrong. But that kid's added stance and facial expression make me chuckle.
Same here. Honestly, I probably would have given in and preordered from GameStop's website, but I appreciate the option to preorder directly from Nintendo.
Nintendo, you lovable scamp! I'm fairly certain I'll be preordering this. :)
Well, I s'pose. I didn't realize that. It just seems unwise to limit a release to just one retailer, especially given the strong feelings that significant numbers of consumers have toward Walmart and GameStop.
Ohhh, I see (didn't get a chance to read through the forum). A bundled classic pro controller would be tempting though. I feel so conflicted...
Would they really make it a GS exclusive? That seems incredibly idiotic, and even unlikely. But these days, who knows? If that came to pass, I'd probably refrain from buying it just on principle.
Wow, this song is really neat! I really like the sound. Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I'm definitely going to check out their other stuff.
I've always wondered: Where do the w's in Japanese internet slang come from? Does it signify 笑, which is the kanji used in "warau", to smile or to laugh? That's the only possible connection I've been able to make on my own, but I don't know if it's even close.
I was just introduced to the music of Mumford & Sons a few weeks ago, "Winter Winds" being the first song I was exposed to. That song compelled me to seek out some of their other ones, and they won me over. I promptly purchased their entire album, which quickly became a favorite of mine. Every song on there is simply…
Yeah, maybe unsettling is the more accurate word. I tend to get attached to characters as well, but I think my curiosity may eventually get the better of me.
Ugh, my friend told me about that anime. It sounds disturbing. I'm kind of curious to watch it, but based what I've heard, I can tell that it's the sort of show that would upset me.
Hey, thanks for the tip. I do remember hearing something about the desert area, but I'll be sure to forge ahead.
I've finally started in on Skyward Sword! I played for about two-and-a-half hours last night, and I'm already impressed. Just as everyone's been saying, the characters' expressions are fantastic (I particularly get a kick out of Pipit's gestures), and I already care about Link and Zelda's relationship. I especially…
Oh, right on. Enjoy!
Stephen, how can you have read most of the Harry Potter books? I figure you would decide whether you're a fan or not after one or two of them, instead of after reading the majority. ;)
Wow, that sucks. A lot. And it's really bizarre. I'm not sure how I would have handled it.
It really is infectious. Something about that voice paired with that song. It's amusing and strangely satisfying. And it's still running through my head... @_@
That's exactly what I wondered when those words came up. But her vocabulary in general seems to be pretty strange, based on this video. "Plumptious beauties?"
That is amazing. I have a feeling I'll be replaying this over and over for the next week at least.
I love pretty much anything from Brad Neely, but I'm particularly fond of this entry.