
Are your personal habits clean enough to support this level of sanctimony?

And yet nobody has signed Kaepernick. smh

You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.

Grellow. Duh.

The wheels of Jed York have been turning since he landed. I can only imagine they bring back Jimmy T and create a sitcom. Jimmy and Jimmy; where Jimmy T is the future version of Jimmy G and he goes back in time to warn him about his future pitfalls.. Every time Jimmy G dodges a bullet, Jimmy T becomes less gutter rat

He’s coached Broncos, I’m guessing Colts are a bit tamer.

Yeah, it absolutely sucks. I thought the calls (and no-calls) last night were exactly what the NFL needed. I agreed with every decision they made, whether to let them play or call a foul. I can say, safely, that didn’t happen in any other game I watched this year.

Then the play was reviewed. When slowed down and zoomed in to degrees impossible to see with the human eye in real time, it looked like Clement didn’t quite have the ball completely in his control while he tapped his toes in bounds.

The Warriors plan to totally disrupt the halftime entertainer personal transportation market with their custom creation for Red Panda: A two-wheeled unicycle.

In the interview he said “right when I raised my arms up, the dog jumped up”. They definitely go after the outstretched forearm in bite training.

I’m glad your daughter got better. Fuck cancer.

Living that long out on the rails? He may not be book smart but he’s no dummy.

You hear that? That’s the sound of Al Davis’ ghost getting a HUGE boner.

This is Cleveland we’re talking about; they just needed a lighter and they would have had all the hot water they wanted.

Was at the game, can confirm it was fucking nuts. I hugged like 15 strangers and high fived nearly everyone I passed walking out of the stadium

Several schools have reportedly turned down a similar donation from another NBA great as they’re reluctant to open the JR Smith Basketball Facility for Hot Women.

It’s obvious from the photograph that he has way too much time.

Somewhere in alabama roy moore both messed his pants AND declared this video some sort of commie, illegal immigrant witchcraft.

It’s only an outrage if you don’t appreciate defensive prowess.

San Antonio would be cool, but Minnesota would be the most fun for sure. But NY feels like the most likely outcome in all of this. The whole no GM thing is looking ridiculous right now.