
I have already commented on every one of these weirdo stories about the Warriors - potentially, maybe, could be, probably not, but i will continue to write about it anyways, misdiagnosing KD’s injury. In fact i already commented on this particular post where Chris beats this fucking horse again (although i am in the

Bump that Shit!

You forget Billy White Shoes Johnson!

Who could forget?

I get the Big Beer buys small craft brewery hand wringing. But what about the guys that started said super-cool craft brew bought by the “man”? Those guys getting paid for all their hard work is great for them and well earned.

Dude - Drop this. Why the hard-on to build a case to lay blame for this?

Fucking millennials that we recruit at work are always asking about Work-life balance. Blah, blah blah.

It’s a great tie-in for the sponsorship by the armed forces.

Bakersfield by the Sea!

Is it really true they have “No fight losses” clauses in their contracts?

The most annoying individual at Warrior games besides me, is the douchnozzle wandering around in Kobe Bryant Jersey (ironed by the way) when the Warriors are playing the Mavericks in the middle of December.   Way more annoying than any herb.

So I have an 8 year old and since I have a sewer mouth I don’t worry about saying any swear words in front of him. Rule is in our house you can say swear words the day you pay me rent. He gets it

Is the picture at the top some sort of a salute to the Walk Like and Egyptian Dance?  Old, dumb Bangles reference, get it?   Sorry.

Playing with yourself means you never have to say sorry

Is TJ Whosyourmama still there?

He should stop going to Tony Robbins events

Warrior fan here.  This is a good deal.

No film room today.  You have a meeting with the Bobs instead

Los Angeles Rivers!

No discussion of Zubaz pants?