
This. The NFL needs way less technicality and more of letting them play.

Can’t they fix this by making the judgment call of when a receiver becomes a runner not reviewable anymore?

As a 49er fan I demand the Rams bring Fisher back

New England will pick him up and convert him to wide receiver.

God damn the touchdown catch reviews, but thank god the NFL did not fuck up and reverse them. I literally was expecting them both to be reversed and was shocked when they weren’t.

I Lulz’d for this. Who is Devin?

This “incident” is the dumbest moment in american TV history because of all of the morons decrying the indecency of it. It is a frigging boob, who cares?

This take is f’ing lame

It will have a square wheel because that is disruptive.

The Browns are interviewing all of them for jobs right now.

What a dick!

Can we talk about how Kirk Cousins was my fantasy team’s best player last year, and i finished last? I think this has some bearing on his value.

Hot-tubbing outdoors in sub-zero temps is awesome

BJ is solidly in the fun category

As I Warrior season ticket holder I think they would have no problem paying the tax considering how much they gouge me for beer.

Warriors need to get Anthony Davis too.

Fuck Cancer. Best two word sentence ever.


He travelled

Booooooo gie hoooooooo.