
Another complex system that might break is really not that bad, considering it already has a bunch of other computers on-board that makes it stupefyingly complex, and a transmission that's been shown by owners to grenade itself given enough mileage :D

As shown by wiki(which references Molson Coors website):

But then they'd gang up on you for telling them to STFU....

Don't have time to answer....but have just enough to redact a bunch of text from that screencap. Amazing!!

Holy shit single speed in hilly Portland. You must be really fit and have thighs/calves of steel, because that sounds ridiculously taxing *shudder*:P

Yeah this sounds really farfetched LOL

I had a 2008 E90 328i with manual last year too, but I didn't crash that car, so I can only sort of relate. Then again I bought that used as a weekend car so(too forever to find one local in SV...but that's a story for another day) and I'm guessing you bought it new, that's why you're so angry.

I really just want the ability to modify cars, but apparently passing an actual smog machine test but without a cafe sticker on, e.g. turbocharger, automatically means it's a fail. That's just dumb.

Captain you're getting too angry. You need to calm down and grab a nice cold beer or something :P Might I recommend Molson Canadian? Nothing to do with me being Canadian of course :D

So you're saying it's not 25 yrs and smog-exempt, but anything older than 1975? Man this sucks. I hate living in Cali :(

I think he meant to say 8:30pm. For reference, most people don't check in at 9:30am...

Can't begin to imagine how you can come up with that...But okay :D

Ahh! My heart is bleeding looking at that. And then you had to post a video of it. Makes me want to cry :(

Oh and sorry for laughing at your ordeal. Then again I'm pretty sure others are guilty of doing the same :P

No the sales number merely showed that people bought more DCT/auto than manual. That in and of itself does not indicate the actual reason as to why they bought auto. By the same token I could argue that autos were bought simply because a lot more people nowadays cannot/don't know how to drive a manual. Unless you can

So basically most of the misery you had was due to your shoddily built bike with a whopping 1 speed that gets you up to a stupefyingly fast 8 mph(!), weighed a ton because you bought a *very* heavy steel frame, then had the wisdom to pop on a fat rear tire that made matters even worse? To top it off you used spacers

I can argue that your statement of people who can afford these performance cars value economy/all-out performance above driver engagement is an opinion. If you can point me to studies with hard numbers specifically stating that DCT/PDK take rate are much higher because people buy them for better economy/performance,

The material/build quality for the CLA and A/B *might* be equal to its more expensive siblings, but they are still cheaper to buy than the C's and the E's. I would argue that Benz built the A and the Bs to appeal more to people who would otherwise not be able to afford a "luxury" car such as the C and the A4 than

Look closer. The front wheel is spinning too. It's a scirocco shell sitting on a 4WD chassis.

And that is not downmarket? Here's your merriam-webster definition: