
Perhaps, but it’s a reimagining of the character. They don’t really change voice lines for the most part or give new backstories for each skin, sure, but they are essentially fun “what-if” type options.

So everyone should limit themselves based on others, eventually creating a world of emotionless grey blobs wandering around with nothing but the most basic living principles and purposes.


“The data can add up quickly”

Doesn’t matter where it is. “fairly busy”... does that apply at 2 AM? Are people driving by going to have enough light or care to look around at everything going on and the balls to do something about it?

People will always want to rob from people, sometimes for nothing more than the sense of fun or power.

That’s not what was said. Stop being an idiotic troll.

No where does it say there were a lot of people around, yet if anyone stops and thinks for second they’d realize that at that time, when there is far fewer people awake and out and about due to their jobs, school, families, etc., these people likely were alone or in small groups. Not that being in a large one

I imagine most people just grab their wallets and go when they are going somewhere, especially when they can get to a location where real money has been spent that they didn’t have to do themselves.

Yes, but be fair now. Middle of the night, dark, fairly unlit, no nearby help, for a video game.

No, they are saying don’t go to unpopulated, dark areas in the middle of the night for a video game. Be wary of ones surroundings and the possible actions of others, especially in the cover of darkness and the lack of nearby help.

Eh, out and about its going to go off and on a lot, even if grabbing any open wifi you come across.

There are reasons to be stationary while playing, but a lot of people are walking to these locations to be stationary. Gyms (some degree of battling and controlling the point) and especially PokeStops (free items, resets quickly, can have a Lure attached to generate Pokemon spawns) will keep you in the area a bit.

Correct! They claim it has a speed detection...thing. Walking or slow bike rides will supposedly work.

I’d love to capture Toilet Pokemon, but alas, still waiting on the app to release.

It’s a piece of cloth. It’s not like it’s being thrown around with intentional hate towards the country and even if it was, so what? People have opinions. We claim they are free to express them, but then punish them for it. We want everything and the end get nothing.

Then they (well, Toonami/Adult Swim on Cartoon Network) ditched Bleach without finishing it and started back on One Piece for the billionth time at the same spot so we never get actual progression.

And the most simple fix is often not an option in these games (especially Blizzard). Turn Chat On/Off option. Still waiting on Invisible/Offline status as well.

No links from Reddit that highlight each individual piece of several guns that were pieced together to make a gun or two in Orion?

Is console getting that? I only look at the bits of the notes I need (go figure) and everything I have seen says PC and console will be balanced separately which could mean console isn’t getting those, unless they have said otherwise at some point.