
Or, instead of jumping to that extreme, just make some good, obvious, widely used design choices...some they already use and ignored for this.

“Everyone makes’s ok. Just learn from it” — How we raise kids

Doubt it.

Really though? It’s only fair to compare it, at least in an overall sense, to other team based shooters. Of which we got what... Battlefield and Titanfall 2 and....?? Nothing else stands out. Of those 3 (including Overwatch), the one easier on time/pick up and go/overall fun, for me, got to give it up to Overwatch.

No, you are just ignoring the fact that this is based on a fictional works where a man can move like and speak to aquatic animals.

From 1 to 7. That’s the problem, as always with Blizzard. They do things to extremes, for all of their games. They never go with a middle ground. Either completely useless or a must pick/ban.

I take my steak medium well and if you don’t like it then that’s just fine because that’s your opinion and your right as a being with free will!

Somehow my Blue version is still alive (or at least it was a week ago when I showed it to my nephew). On it, a TRU Mew from a scratch and win event they held.

It’s certainly not something I have experienced every time, as opposed to lower the shade when leaving the plane.

You know we shit on those cases at their release too, right? And have for years now, shit on the size of cases in general for all systems.

No it wouldn’t. That would only hit that part of the market who are too full of shit to think a form of entertainment cannot be good unless it is pushing everything, especially visuals, to the absolute limit, regardless of story and gameplay.

Yeah I’m sure that will happen within a reasonable timeframe...wait, it won’t and even when or if it happens, it will still take time for prices to drop and stabilize, likely at a price higher than they previously were before this shit all went down. Not worth several years of hell for that.

I’m not sure the story is over. It could be, but it could easily continue as well. I think I’m more in the position of wanting a ‘pass the torch’ type of situation utilizing S1 cast to a lesser degree, but still having them around here and there and phasing them out by the end of S2. S3 could then be an entirely new

Meanwhile, thousands of players continue to be unable to log into global link.

This is also by far the easiest one to do and there are more people aware of it I’d imagine.

Better than Age of Conan combat. A bit clunky animations and lag causes it issues, but what game does that not apply to, especially Early Access Survival types? Actually I feel there are more options to Conan Exiles combat than say ARK unless you count guns of course, but that’s just overused in Survival games in

Down here in lowly Diamond, he works fine as a Sniper killer/disruptor, but I won’t complain about improvements for him

The Doctor was granted a new cycle of regenerations, which had been established to be something possible to do (grant more regenertions) in 1983.

It feels a little better, but I’m still being pulled through terrain and seeing it go far to the side of my character and connect. It doesn’t happen like that every time, I’ve also had it break with terrain, but it’s still there.

Except that the “indie” scene is mostly rogue-like or survival. Not all of them, but the ones that seem to stand out, aside from the rare few, fall into those categories. I want to see more of the other genres, like everything you mentioned, from these smaller dev studios, see where the can take it.