
It’s already being used. It’s another interactive way to tip, supporting both streamer and twitch.

Until caught by Disney lawyers

No, it’s not an Arizona thing. I’ve seen it in Ohio and I see it in Florida.

Yeah doesn’t take much to be in a position or just enough pain to not have the strength to push it off, sloped (which it was) or not.

It’s not like this a new thing. They’ve done it at least since the SNES that I can recall. It does not only apply to gaming consoles or PC either.

I’m digging that Archer Link though. The stand actually looks like it could be an air effect that a lot of games use (not sure if it would come into play in this game though) when jumping up in the air to do some type of attack. It’s at least a plausible effect and not just a yellow stick or some such.

They said if they do something with D.Va it will come after McCree nerfs. So next balance patch, whenever that is, at the earliest.

Yeah, Sony sure let the games speak for themselves, by detailing little, showing teasers of teasers and putting the VR label on everything. That was so good.

200 gold is not decent when the Gold Legendary drop is 500.

They are not stealing their money. The purchased the game. Broke the terms and lost access to the game. Not the first game to do this. Most jobs do it. It’s a very common practice. Nobody stole anything.

Really don’t need your opinion on the lack of value of others opinions, especially on what’s essentially a blog site. Take it all or fuck off and take none of it.

Shut up. No. You are extremely unlikely to be the only one to anything. Such a lazy setup to any argument.