
Still, losing to Phoenix two nights ago was ridiculous. Can the Kings make the playoffs? Sure. Will they? No.

She’s funny for a girl.

Im looking at this sad list of Oscar nominations. Is it just me, or was this the worst year of movies ever?

What about Porsche?

How am i in the grey?? Im spitting gold here

Is there a Jon Benet tie in here?

Is this a good bear tho?????

Every resident of Seattle would suck Vivek Ranidive’s little brown balls for a year straight if he moved the Kings to Seattle. Russell Wilson would do it just cuz.

How does a nation so small produce such a high amount of world class sprinters if not for systemic cheating?

Most of the people with degrees from Arizona know the feeling of being fucked.

Close. Construction

I want the Chargers in LA to fail so bad. Such a great city that saw its self as the antithesis to the Raider and its fans, like my 6 DUI cousin Mark. Should be out of Lompoc soon tho. But he’s got a weird edge to him, he’ll be back.

I always thought it was sponsored by the candy bar.

UCLA colors. Great.

I think it’s so cool to have a potential all timer in a market this size. The new CBA makes sure he can be there throughout his career.

That beard grows at an odd color.

It seems impossible to watch the game from anywhere in that stadium.

I’ve never watched Chinese soccer. What’s the level of play there?

Watched the game. The ducks really have flopping down to an art.

I’m gonna count this as a positive Kings article. Thank you baby Jesus and Harambe.