
He’s a very skilled player, had a very good game. But his antics are over the top. He’s disrespectful, out of line; I mean, the list of words could go on,” Leonard said.

This one on particular is hard to figure out for me.

What the fuck is happening?

nothin makes me happier in the holiday season than seeing a rich kid get everything they want.

If we could just harness all the energy ol’Rick has spent hiding in the closet...

Didn’t this very website say no harm no foul?

Why don’t they move to Sacramento? Its an hour+ away.

The house hunting route bullshit thing was actually interesting.

Oh, for fucks sake Samer. It’s a stupid sign.

These guy makin good scratch over there? What a life, making good money overseas.

What is Demarcus Cousins worth in a trade?

Rednecks, huh? That’s a pretty lazy description.

I did a ton of coke in college too

Can someone just tell me what the Giants should do? Blow the wad on elite bullpen help or lure Justin Turner from the Doyers?

you have been banned from /r/Seattle.

It’s gonna take more than this for me to feel bad for a car dealership.

My mistake. I wish i knew how to edit that.

Where’s the hookers and blow?

This is just the beginning I’m afraid.

Pen St 12? Da Fuq?