
How is Xena not on this list? Without that show, it would've been pretty hard to produce another television show about a female superhero and her female (and male) friends. Buffy also pulls inspiration from Xena throughout the series. Like in the musical episode for example. Like. Come on.

"Under Jack’s control, Waldo has a nastier, more violent streak to him, and incites crowds into throwing shoes and beating people up. This is even harder to believe, especially in the real-world atmosphere the episode creates…"

I hope it's Danny Trejo. I'd be funnier if he were Amy's dad but it'd make more sense if he were Rosa's dad. It'd be even BETTER if everyone THOUGHT he was scary and then it turned out he was this puppy loving softy, just like the real Danny Trejo.

Yeah but the suburbs always have police officers trollying about. I would know considering the number of times I've been pulled over for speeding in a neighborhood zone… T_T;;;; And they could've called local police for assistance. Also Alana called the police before going inside. So at least local police should've

Yeah. It really would have been the most dark nihilistic series finale ever had the show been cancelled.

Does the FBI usually take THIS LONG to show up to the scene of a crime? Alana called the police BEFORE going into Hannibal's home and Will called a dispatcher before going inside later on. But no one arrived before all of that speechifying? Insane. Obviously the show isn't praised for its realism but I was sort of

Not gonna lie. Galavant looks like it could be incredibly entertaining. Plus the casting of Vinnie Jones is inspired.

"…say, if there were a black woman in the White House, whose innocuous efforts to get a hate-filled nation to drink more water were somehow ripe for satire."

I'm not sorry. Chris Cornell's voice > Eddie Vedder's voice every time.

Ok, so this makes the 5 millionth time? Approximately? That some version of Olivia has been captured?