
Listing “best to worst” in this kind of game really is quite the disservice. I’m not sure if this is based entirely on your (Patricia) playing style, or just speculation. I don’t know if you’re genuinely trying to state something or this is a calculated attempt to aggravate people. If you grasped the dynamics of each

“fandom (art work, memes, jokes)“ ....... wtf ? You judge characters on their MEMES ? Are you retarded ?

Mostly I say that because he’s fun for me to play. I enjoy playing well rounded characters who can adapt to a variety of situations. He is, by design, a generic FPS soldier, so it’s not like he’s going to win any awards for style in that department. However, the “Hero” short did open up the character a lot I think.

S:76 is arguably the best all-rounder in the game. If he can dictate engagement range (and because of his Sprint, he often can) he’ll “win” nearly any fight, or be in a position to fall back and use his Biotic Field to heal. His DPS is incredibly solid (moreso since they changed his spread in late beta, giving good