
Why? No FarCry game since FC3 has been different from its predecessors in any meaningful way. You would really play a bland open world shooter that shies away from making any statement about anything and only alludes to doing so in order to make sales because, this time, you’re a woman maybe?

Releasing Fallout 76 in a heinously broken and incomplete state was not “incompetence”. At this point, you just don’t want to attribute to malice that which originated from a company you personally like.

Yeah, the problem with feeding algorithms training data, is that the training data tends to be compromised. Like the “Amazon AI is misogynist” stories from a couple months back. Well, where did it get it’s data. Oh, right. From Amazon’s hiring records.

Weird and kinda uncool? Sorry, but no ex of mine is going to dictate who I can or cannot be friends with. I can see why he’s an ex, though, with that attitude.

Well, there is still a robust number of plays in Quick Play, Arcade modes, and Competitive w/o using the group finder. It is 100% optional, even for competitive play.

This is correct for every PvP mode except for the Iron Banner, which is specifically about your light level being relevant.

Haha, way to phrase that in the most ambiguously creepy way possible, ignoring all context, and invalidating any point you might have had by virtue of using a reductionist strawman to make your point. Good effort though.

Maybe, but the OWL is somewhat unique in that the teams involved are scrimming against each other very frequently between proper matches. NYXL has had plenty of time to adapt by now.

It’s called a conversation, my dude. Not an argument.

Hey man, if corporations are people, can they not also be your friend? It’s not like they have ulterior motives or anything.

When there is an entry fee, the prize payout cannot exceed 20x the entry fee, or a maximum cap of ¥100,000. However, if there is no entry fee, the competition is “open” and the price is not regulated — there is no prize cap for open competitions.

You’re welcome to start those conversations instead of relying on Compete to do it for you, but it’s cool to argue too.

I’m very curious if you don’t mind... what’s your occupation?

It’s extremely clear that they’re going well out of their way to not mention it. When you’re talking about changes to team rosters and the effects that it has on the team’s overall performance, it’s important to be able to talk about what has changed. Not just “New Fuel”.

The beginning of your comment and the end of your comment seem to suggest two different viewpoints. Engaging in predatory behavior the _specifically_ targets the vulnerable is... basically the definition of predatory behavior.

How, exactly, is Uma Thurman qualified to be president?

Man oh man that segment was just interminable. It started poorly, became *somewhat* funny, and then tanked again before finally, mercifully coming to end. I hope we can all look forward to much less of that.

You’re not reading it correctly. She had 3-5 partners in the time that they knew each other, but before they started dating. Not 3-5 partners in her entire life... not that it changes the answer.

This is the best you can come up with? That characters in both games... parachute out of a plane? And an in-game compass?

Forced to endure? Are they being strapped down to a chair with their eyelids stapled open or something? Or are they steaming a video game voluntarily?