
Maybe we should make shooting people illegal. Or make schools gun free zones. Then this will never happen again.

It’s the gun’s fault.

There’s a reason why trust in media is at an all time low. With that said that kid in the photo above looks like a baby still.

Show no picture.

That’s what I was thinking, that there is always, always, always going to be bias at play in the choice of the photo to run. I would really like it if there was a standard method that could help guide media outlets towards picking as neutral a photo as possible, and your guidelines seem pretty reasonable. I’d almost

The latest picture, available quickly? The same way they do it with soldiers killed in battle, perhaps? There’s a novel thought. This means not a mugshot, and not a kindergarten photo.

Even more sad: I’m about to go to work.

It’s Thanksgiving.

What completely bias-free method would you recommend for selecting a picture of a victim?

I really, honestly, feel like the majority of the audience doesn’t actually realize they are being manipulated.

I really, honestly, feel like the majority of the audience doesn’t actually realize they are being manipulated.

Do you always skip the first sentence when you read stuff?

Showing a more recent photo of James doesn’t make his shooting any more justified. He literally looks like a baby in the photo most of the press is using.