
Counterpoint: This is an owner who campaigned to screw over Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder.

It’s not about leading voters to the Democratic side - the Republican nominee for President has won the popular vote only once in the last quarter century (Bush in 2004).

I cried during Inside Out.

Let me first point out that the pragmatic establishment centrists just lost to Donald Trump. Okay.

Say what you will about the NBA playoffs but at least they’re going to result in a finals matchup that will feature great teams.

Come on, you guys are just making Machado about something.

Oh OK, that makes it cool, then! Good point.

Yeah. But I think consumers will feel the pain well before the leagues do. Get ready for the NFL APP “The best (only) way to see your teams play on Sunday! Only $300 per season!”

You know what might have actually helped in the long term? Cutting the executives, some of whom are surely making some pretty large salaries, who decided overpaying for TV rights was a good idea.

I would wish for UNC to get the death penalty if I thought it would make enough people sit back and reassess.

They don’t issue the death penalty for enabling child sex abuse over four decades. They don’t issue it for sheltering a team full of sexual predators. I think UNC’s gonna be fine.

This is a perfect response! Stay safe!

Incredibly angry, thanks for asking!

These useless chucklefucks. Just look at this smarmy little dipshit.

Cost them the game? They hadn’t scored in several minutes. It snot like they airballed a 3 then the refs gave them the ball back then hit a 3. OH WAIT.

The one that looks like a parallel universe Michael Rappaport who made infinitely better life choices.

In their defence, they did make reservations for him to be there.

Skins gave the GM permission to go to the combine, only to take it back. Typical.

He’s heard that joke a thousand times.

Actually, he was caught masturbating into beach towels. And it’s spelled “Big Rag Goo.”