Sam G

As a retired US Army aviation engineer, I find it comical that this portly leader who loves eating several kilos of cheese a day, is able to shoehorn his oversized body into a planes cockpit. I guarantee you he’s not sitting fully into the seat and there’s no chance he could fly in one.

That certainly is the truth, one solution to hard to find out of production parts is to befriend an engineer with the right tools to fabricate the part needed from scratch, or modification of what’s available, but some of these project cars end up a bottomless money pits..

Tical, Obviously this person is litigation happy, and if this idiot doesn’t get the job he applied for, another lawsuit will surely happen.    The Judge that awarded this verdict is stuck on stupid.

What if your a woman that were given quaaludes under false pretense, then forcibly anally raped by Mr Cosby, would rape jokes be acceptable then?

You should put your tin foil hat back on, as anyone that’s watched the bodycam footage of this instance, even if the police put his hand over the camera lens, the audio alone showed that this North Carolina NAACP President/word of God Reverend, is entirely full of BS, a liar and a cheat.

No disrespect intended, but If you could see past your nose you’ll see the whole picture.

In case anyone wants to write this racist reverends a quick e-mail to tell him how wonderful he is, this is his e-mail contact information as listed by his Church. I won’t post it directly, but with one click its there.