
I think the season ends with trolling being encouraged as an acceptable outlet for people who have bad thoughts so they don't actually have to act/vote on them. Gerald's the only one who doesn't need the berries, because his online persona isn't actually him, it's just a character he plays to blow off steam. As the

Surprised Team America is this high. I watched it recently for the first time since seeing it in theaters (and laughing throughout), and it has really, really not aged well (as opposed to something like the South Park movie which is still brilliant).

I'm so sorry, the correct answer is Christopher Reeve as Superman/Clark Kent. We would have also accepted Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor. Thanks for playing!

"Horrible" would be overstating it in terms of the other characters: he didn't die or go into a coma or anything. But he's exiled from his country and his family, so it's not exactly a happy ending.

The only place I would disagree here is in saying that any of the Burn After Reading female characters has "fatal flaws." The men were all, at best, well-meaning sheep (Brad Pitt), and all paid horrible prices for essentially trying to woo or control women. The women all come out, essentially, on top, and even Frances

Thanks! That's what I get for trying to comment on something I haven't watched in 2 months.

Mike Milligan says "We come in peace" when he enters the house at the end. Much of the show plays on notions and fears of the "other" (black, Native American, female) and the struggle of assimilating into society. Even the Irish mob family is treated like an other, as they stick to their old foods, their old customs,