
Sword dork alert activated...

The F-35 eliminates situations where defense contractors are unable to afford trail-access lodges in Aspen AND Jackson Hole.

Extended Twin-engine OPerationS

jeebus fucking christ. you want some advice? learn to google shit by yourself.... 🔚

Too bad Northrop Grumman won the contract.

Idris Elba as a Henry VIII

I saw it as the “mommy” attack plane leading a little group of A-7 ducklings.

That single A-6 is confusing.

I never thought we could repeat the majesty of Sochi, but fuck if Rio ain’t trying.

As a fan of complete and utter trainwrecks, I’m looking forward to the Olympics for the first time since I was a kid.

Jesus Christ. Somewhere out there, an English teacher just hanged themselves.

Exactly, after all that we got a shit ending! (IMHO) So Im not gonna jump back in so that I can get a second shit ending! lol

Of course, it could go the other way too. The RIO panicking and prematurely ejecting. Particularly when they aren’t even a real RIO....

Holy Shit, does Brian Bosworth not realize he never played for the Dolphins?

Man, when the Ravens accuse you of being a bad fan...

Bring on the Old Dog(EB-52 Megafortress)

You don’t need to know. Now get back to the fryer and push the blinking button.

Nope, just the J-79 engines doing what they do best: turning JP-4 into smoke & noise, with some thrust as a byproduct.

Although the original $9M Sealion was delivered in 2003 as a technology demonstrator and test-bed, with no stated plans to put the boat into production or operations, this seems to have changed as Sealion was quickly followed by a slightly more advanced Sealion 2.