
What I see here is a “mob” mentality, showing their complete disregard and bigotry towards the Christian faith, let’s see the same mob attack the Muslim community because let’s face it...throwing gay men off the roof of high rise buildings is maybe just a little worse than Chick Fil A not supporting the LGBT

Growing up I loved watching nature shows, but unfortunately animals die, I never got upset watching as lion would chase down a gazelle and take a chunk out of its neck to kill it, or when some huge bird of pray would swoop down and catch some cute marsupial in its talons! The problem is people are way too sensitive

Don’t you just love love the hypocrisy on here lol it’s absolutely laughable, on one hand you want everyone to conform to your beliefs, whether it be LGBT or whatever, yet no one cares about CFA CEO’s religious beliefs, suddenly his rights and beliefs are what...not valid because they don’t fit into your agenda? And

Because they absolutely love to hate Ford on this site, this article is absolute trash, and very factual incorrect, I worked for Ford for a long time and they’re nowhere near Ajunk status, this is biased scaremongering at its best!!!

Wow racism at its finest...well done sir, ladies and gentlemen here is the whole problem in America right now, neatly all in one simple comment!

Wow then it must a complete lie if you haven’t experienced any issues? I think you must’ve uncovered a huge conspiracy...well done! I think a pat on the back is well in order for you!

I have watched dozens of tests and never seen any car beat the 918 around the track?

You mean like CNN, have you ever watched the b.s that comes out of their hosts mouths, slanderous, dangerous b.s if I ever saw it, and let’s not forget Tim Allen who’s show was canceled simply for being a Republican, so much for free speech and freedom of choice huh? Crazy leftist snowflakes, scares the life out of

You’re an absolute idiot, why should he buy his own equipment to service his car, he paid them $170,000 for the car in the first place, and these retards are driving it all over town doing whatever they want in it, they’re lucky someone at the drive through didn’t side swipe them on the way out, good luck explaining

This blew your mind? You must be easily pleased, Chris Harris has a look of constant surprise on his face and all the time? Rory is ok but nothing more, Matt Leblanc I actually think does a decent job if not a bit forced, but saying this is the best episode of Top Gear since 2002 is nuts, there are some amazing

That’s exactly what I’ve been saying! Well done you’re the only person thinking clearly on here!

Again another talking shit, I’m not a millionaire, I get extra in my paycheck, thank you president sir!

Racist? Really? Which part of brainless head did you pluck that gem from? I bet you’re another Hillary fan? The same racist Hillary that said white males are the problem in this country? The same Hillary that supports rapists and sex offenders? The same Hillary that used money that I donated to, the Clinton foundation

That’s because of the huge tax/VAT slapped on fuel by your government b

This is hilarious, look at all the dumb snowflakes on here bashing our President, thinking that your precious Obama could do no wrong, apart from sending race equality back generations, putting our wonderful country in more debt than we’ve ever been before, and let’s not even start with Bill Clinton..am I right??? Lol