
“it’s impossible to deny that Marvel Studios absolutely dragged its heels when it came to giving characters who aren’t straight, white men significant amounts of screen time.” - uh, claiming that to be true is a blatant lie, what the fuck?

lol yeah, she’s a GREAT character. I especially love when she makes the obvious statement that Barry isn’t ‘the Flash’ - Barry AND HER are ‘the Flash’. Not part of ‘Team Flash’, but literally ‘The Flash’. Despite the things he’s had to do without her - like putting his life on the line again and again, getting

I identify asSupreme Overlord Master of the Universe’, and you must refer to me as such. That’s my preferred nomenclature and that is what you’re advocating for, right? Thank you for supporting me in this! :)

Now who has a narrow view? ;)

Nothing Frank has said has been narrow, racist or sexist, but those same attributes seem to be your bread and butter.
Take a step back and examine your actions and words, it is quite clear that it is YOUR views that are narrow, and extremely hypocritical.
Not to mention, you keep using attributes irrelevant the

You have a very retarded, racist sexist view of the world, eh?
(oh and that’s rhetorical, your comment displays these attributes to a ‘T’.)

Good example.

Precisely. Well put.

Michael Clark Duncan was awesome. However in Wally West’s case, the race-swap was insulting and a major let down. I’m used to Wally’s appearance in the comics, and a major part of his look is his signature red hair swooping out of his cowl.
Wally West is of Celtic descent, and looks the part - pale, with freckles and

Michael Clark Duncan was awesome. However in Wally West’s case, the race-swap was insulting and a major let down. I’m used to Wally’s appearance in the comics, and a major part of his look is his signature red hair swooping out of his cowl.
Wally West is of Celtic descent, and looks the part - pale, with freckles and

What a load of hypocritical bullshit. Sorry but MAKE YOUR OWN CHARACTERS.
It boils down to a fundamental question: does the race, ethnicity and appearance of the character MATTER? If the answer is YES, IT MATTERS, then DON’T change their race, ethniity or appearance. If the answer is NO - race, ethnicity and appearance

You’re correct that those who “think that racism is me calling out racism” are wrong; “Calling out racism” doesn’t qualify as racism. However, your prejudicial statements, antagonistic behavior, disrespectful remarks and mockery, directed at people based purely on the color of their skin - IS racism. Thank God your

JEEZ this ‘article’ is long... and full of disrespectful, judgmental, antagonistic remarks, some of which are flat-out falsehoods; “it’s fascinating, in fact, how closely spaced all of these comebacks and attempted comebacks are” - no, that is not FACT, that is OPINION.
It may be “fascinating” to you, but there are

“Master race”...? I don’t see anything in this article that makes that claim... perhaps you should refrain from using quotation marks if you are unable to use them correctly. I don’t see why residing in his parents’ home is pertinent to the situation, other than to inform readers as to where he was “nabbed”.

How do you know his parents’ basement is cramped and dusty?