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Did someone challenge Matt to use "buff book" as many times as possible today?

This Ken Block fellow obviously has some talent. However, it'd be nice if he spent more time worrying about finishing a rally than shameless self-promotion or dressing like a rodeo clown. Then again, he's hardly the most damaging cult of personality our society has produced.


Wow, those panel gaps are worse than I thought!

Trust me, I'm still extraordinarily childish and while 3 Dolla Bill Ya'll is still a great album, I just can't blast it out of the stereo like the angsty teen I once was and not feel a little like a doofus. Tool, however, I will gladly blast at full volume. That's timeless stuff there.

Being a self-taught wrencher, I've spent plenty of time checking for traffic before crawling out from under a car I'm working on. However, as I'm now in my 30's, no longer listening to Limp Bizkit, and expected to act more like an adult, this gets old. I certainly appreciate Mr. Preston's enthusiasm and encourage

10) "Stock cars will never look this simple again." Or this stock.

My apologies, I missed the bit about playing devil's advocate.

Didn't the government employees at DARPA who developed the internet create wealth? How about the materials engineers at NASA who invented things now used by private industry to create cool products like mattresses and lighter, more fuel efficient commercial jets? What about the thousands of scientists and

The private sector doesn't exist without the government. Period. End of story. There never has been and never will be a true "free market".

"Government jobs do not create wealth."

It should be made clear that the auto bailout money that "went to GM and Chrysler" went to them in the form of loans, not gifts. It was money extremely well spent.

Thank you for pointing this out. I was about to before I found your post. Everyone who marches around pronouncing that Ford is the superior company because "they didn't take any government money" is ill-informed. Ford was only smarter in that they recognized their financial problems earlier and got the loans they

Mustangs don't like turning?!?!?! I'm shocked.

Nope. There's still plenty of informative and entertaining programming on NPR. They will be sorely missed, though.

You're absolutely right. Oil company employees are different bumbling idiots.

7:22-7:30 may be the best 8 seconds of onboard video ever.

I don't get it. Which thesis is unsupported by facts?