Annnnnd API is maxxed. Which is no ones fault but our own of course... but it still saddens me...
Annnnnd API is maxxed. Which is no ones fault but our own of course... but it still saddens me...
Or.... and follow me here..... buy the $60 one from Nintendo. I like building stuff too; but with such a reasonable asking price for this thing, Raspberry Pie projects would probably be better focused on SNES and above.
This can be summed up simply with “you know why...”
Fine. See the second part of the response.
Surface tension. There’s a good chance he’d be fine. Also, I assume an ant that knows how to surf knows how to swim. It’s a leap, but I’m making it.
So... ‘words mean things’ is a true statement. It’s not much of an argument, but it happens to be a fact. For example, the word ‘remove’ means ‘to get rid of’ (you can google it if you’d like; it’s #2 when used as a verb). I stated that “their mentality of hate should be removed from our society”; echoing his words. I…
Nope, he’s right. And ‘get rid of’ doesn’t mean kill/hurt/jail etc. It means that they’re mentality of hate should be removed from our society.Why wouldn’t you support that?
“Much like a Jackson Pollock original, each piece has a variety of interesting patterns and colors just waiting to be discovered through the use of an ultra-violet light”
Oh but it should! SCIENTISTS GO!
*Not actually reflective of reality in all locations. #PokemonGoGerrymandering
Same. But I still think it was worth it. Where is the fun in everyone being Team Valor? Besides, we all know Instinct has the coolest symbol, and Zapdos is the best legendary bird
Seconded. The entire NCR is a terrible place to retire. Unless you’re rich of course. But then why retire in only one place? Hell, if I had that kind of money I’d buy a place in Colorado and one in Florida and just bounce back and forth. Probably cost about the same anyway.
So, I mean it was fine... but at what point were you sad? He just bails and goes surfing. Honestly, I would think ‘Jealous’ before “Sad’.
Sauce or it didn’t happen.
No. Sad; but no.
I don’t know what that is... but it reminds me of something we rid from the world in the late 1800's.
I stand corrected. You also know how this works. You should go hang out with that other guy.
It’s just you. The rest of the world doesn’t know what that is, where it is, or why they should use it. Myself included. As a side not, I bet you also are the only one who still knows how to use the cars cigarette lighter.
Frieza can be seen preforming one tera-flop here: