Since they are just going to build a pc and give it a shitty operating system, you might as well.
Since they are just going to build a pc and give it a shitty operating system, you might as well.
The post is so sarcastic that until I got to the “Actually, all those performance upgrades are no different than the 2017 BRZ with the Performance Package” part, I honestly wasn’t sure he was kidding. Which is sad, but its reallllllllly sarcastic. I mean hell, 5 whole horse power means that they could have just…
I hope it was fully loaded.
Don’t sit too high on your horse. The actual correct answer is “Don’t take out a home equity loan; only preform improvements that you can afford over time”. And, for the hipster crowd out there; “Rent”.
Man are you lucky you don’t know what that means. The simplest translation, I believe, would be “F’d in the A”.
Do you say ‘former’ because your company went under due to gross financial mismanagement?
Actually, I completely agree. Also, Vine has a good point regarding wheat maltodextrin as well. Really good ideas in both cases.
So label it ‘cane sugar’ or beet sugar’. The word sugar doesn’t change, just the descriptive term preceding it. Like “Rock salt” or “Sea salt”. Both salt, but with different uses.
So time-travelers would bring back a mid 2010's IPhone with them? Crafty bastards; who would have guessed!
So I watched a super long trailer for Battleborn (against my will) and I have to say, the story and the characters actually seem solid and interesting. Now, that might have to do with the almost Scientology level of brainwashing, or because I was drinking, or because I have ADD and enjoy colorful shiny things. In any…
This should be a thing. I would pay money for the full movie for sure.
You: “I spoil the endings of books and movies for people.”
Wait I don’t see any tiger-mace. Ohhhh..... never mind that actually explains a lot.
So.... did you get tired at three and go “screw this; link below” or was it purposeful?
That shit’s bananas; B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Clearly not a valid list. This thing is wayyyyy uglier than a Kakapo:
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BERN! Sorry.... mistook this for gawker....
But.... Leela said this “be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.”. I repeat it often actually because of how brilliant a statement it is actually.
Dammit; *their...