
Wow. I bet you think this is an intelligent, factual, well-written post, too. I pity you.

The irony of your post is superseded only by your projecting. The fact that you believe any of this is insane to begin with, but the belligerence of your obvious defensiveness really marks you as someone who needs help.

All the misogynists who pretended that they didn't hate women, just *her* - I hate them even more than I do the dumb bigots, because they're lying into the bargain. At least the bigots actually believe the crap they spew.

These people make me so angry that I would pay to see that

If you weren't as dumb as dirt, you'd be able to figure out that you ARE paying for poor people every time you have to spend more than you should on services that, in civilized & intelligent countries, is paid for by taxes, because that spreads the burden. You obviously aren't old enough to know that the "feed the

I bet you've never looked at who gets the most handouts. Free Clue: it's NOT Democrats, or Blue States.

College definitely doesn't mean what it used to. And there's plenty of rightwing institutions out there that give out diplomas, too!

& yet *we're* at fault for calling them "stupid"! If I had a nickle for how many times one of these morons has sniped smugly at me, "That's why you lost!", I wouldn't have to worry about *my* financial future under this orange sideshow barker!

I see it as racist, but I can't see it as harmful because it is against a majority. For me, the danger lies in the fact that it's anti-woman.

OMG~ It never occurred to me to think "Klingon"! But you nailed it!

The murderer *did* say he was trying to get "revenge" for Garner & Brown. However, this STILL does not make it so, nor does it ever make it right - but to say that anyone who repeats this sad little delusion of a sick person is "trying to reshape the narrative" is a little unfair - unless you mean that people are

Gee, nice of those guys to openly acknowledge that white males have that privilege to not be choked to death by cops "just because".

Given Frear's record, I'm betting he will create a different message than the one he intends.Either way, I predict certainly a *watchable* movie, at least!

Exactly. Guarantee you he's dead, but he wanted his comedy to live on.

I assumed you didn't :-)

Since I am agreeing with you, I am unsure as to why you are trying to say that I am wrong.

Yeah, & it's always antisemites who say THE EXACT SAME THING about the word "antisemitic".

As befits the action is describes.

Polanski *did* rape a prepubescent girl.

Much as I am shocked (Shocked, I tell you!) that anyone would think the original needed to be remade, I think I will actually go see this. It does not sppear to be so much a "remake" as it is a revisiting of the idea of that sort of person; a re-visioning of the entire idea of a fantasy life intersecting with a real