
Interesting. Titus is much better developed, but I could see that. They are part of that flamboyant gay black clown archetype, though Titus is distinct in that he really gets his own stories instead of just serving other people in the narrative.

While most of the core members of the group were certainly nerds, the group as a whole was composed of the misfits and outcasts that didn't really fit anywhere else. This was an instance in which generally unpopular people had the good sense to stick together.

Definitely wanted to fuck at least half of the football team, but I think dating is a different matter. I was so closeted I never got that far in my fantasies.

I feel like it's a pretty negative (incredibly stereotypical) portrayal of homosexuality, but the nerds treat him in a generally positive way. I made a comment that might not see the light of day because of an f-bomb I glibly dropped, but it's kind of wonderful that no one has a problem with his being gay and they're

I just watched RotN for the first time a few months ago, and was so stunned I didn't even know how to react. While there is no way that scene would make it into a movie today, there is a kind of offensive badassness to it. Sort of like, "Yeah, I'm a spearchucking faggot — so what? I beat ALL of you." And as egregious

And let's not forget the panty raid, which is so gross on several levels.

Does this necessarily mean the Tiki incident didn't occur before the magazine article in their universe, though? Even if it was produced earlier, this episode was still intended to be the season finale. I know on Community, for example, episodes with a lot of effects / art department work (the 16-bit and GI Joe

Right — they don't need to be super wealthy, but having a little more money could present them with a fresh set of struggles.

So, are they going to hit the reset button, or will the Belchers actually enjoy the success of having an increase in business? This season seemed to show the Belchers taking financial blows and being on the cusp of a big break more than usual — there was the sofa and the horse camp, and then the Tiki makeover and the


I think the focus was supposed to be on this particular episode, when the alliance claimed their first victim, than on the finale (when Sue gave her speech).

Wow, I must've somehow forgotten that. And then renoticed this episode. My memory would probably be better if I quit sniffing glue.

I feel like it can't go unmentioned that Cheryl was eating rubber cement. That is some next-level shit.

Great … now I won't be able to unsee this. Like when I started noticing stunt doubles in Buffy.

I'm so glad they included a boy in the fan club without even really commenting on it or making it weird in any way. The times, how they change. I can't imagine anything of the sort just over 15 years ago, when I was in middle school — much less being represented on TV.

One time I saw Kim wearing pink wings that made her look like a Clefairy … maybe Clefable.

Master of None had its moments, but it really didn't do that much for me. Frickin' Bojack was way more poignant, imo.

You have to remember that we see only a fraction of the critiques that were given. They really edit it down for narrative purposes.

Wow, they even rhymed it!