
I once watched America's Next Top Model while high on green dragon. Tyra's expressions were INTENSE.

It was originally going to be a half-hour show.

Trixie had already been doing drag for a few years (he got his start in Rocky Horror and just kept the name Trixie). I believe Max was just starting out (I don't really know him that well), but he came to school every day in makeup, complete with painted eyebrows. They didn't do shows together afaik. They interacted

College … they were both in the musical theatre program, but I believe Max transferred after a couple semesters.

No, you didn't mishear (I went to school with both of them). I feel like they must've mentioned it at some point, but maybe they didn't.

It's a two-edged sword, because team leaders are much more likely to win if they do well.

Winning a mini-challenge hasn't had anything to do with their performance in said challenge since last season. They use it for narrative purposes.

Pearl = Resting Bitch Face
Violet = Active Bitch Face

I really liked Ginger at first, but her passive-aggressive bullshit last untucked was SO tiresome, and NO ONE called her out on it, as far as I've seen.

After binge-watching Portlandia, the first two episodes I've been able to watch the night they aired were last week's and last night's. And of course they were the least funny episodes thus far — I might've laughed audibly once during each. I'm glad I watched Archer second rather than first.

I prefer that to clickbait.

We read that in fifth grade. Shit was trippy.

I spent way too long trying to figure out what it was an acronym for and was wondering if it was some AV Club abbreviation I was unfamiliar with. Nope.

This finale seems so unsatisfying at first (my friend, whom I made watch the entirety of Buffy and Angel, HATED it), but it really is brilliant and perfectly in line with the theme(s) of the show.

I'm a Buffy person, but I do respond to the complex themes and moral struggles presented by Angel.

Fellow pillow-biter here.

I had to put a pillow over my mouth to drown out my reactions.

I had to scream into a pillow while I was watching.

Be sure to check out "Best Parks and Recreation Blooper, Season 4" at the very least. Chris Pratt is a national treasure.

But just because it could be much worse doesn't mean we have to accept the utter mediocrity of BBT.