
Her character was kind of problematic, but the movie also had a scene with a very sympathetic portrayal of a group of Aboriginal Australians.

*hits BORING button*

I can't believe Hedwig isn't mentioned EVERY time movie musicals are discussed. It's just that good.

I agree — I was surprised when Garfield Minus Garfield became The Thing. Silent Garfield did a great job of cleaning up redundant dialogue and almost made the comic legitimately work. Without Garfield's inane punchlines, his presence is, as you said, much more catlike, and some of Jon's monologues take on a palpable

For the record, you don't have to be straight to be homophobic — a lot of gay people internalize homophobia from growing up in a homophobic society. It's the source of many issues within the "gay community," such as it is. For example — Sassy Gay Friend, while very funny, has some issues (majorly perpetuating

I need a gif of that.

It's easy to forget how on the nose the lyric "I'm under your spell" is.

And he buried it in a very dramatic episode ("The Body"), which would make it very hard to sensationalize their kiss.

What about the guy getting ripped apart after spinning around too fast? My dad and I watched it in slow motion after the movie was over and laughed our heads off.

I think they addressed that in season 2 of Modern Family and promptly forgot about it.

I'm in the same boat, which is a very uncomfortable one. I love Richie so much — Patrick just isn't really good for him.

The makeup gun generated another one of my favorites — "Homer, you've got it set on 'whore.' "

It's a great parody, I'll give you that, but it can't stand up to the sheer lyrical brilliance and rhythmic vigor of Marge's sempiternal anthem, "Put It In Your Cap."

*sigh* … This, after two truly wonderful episodes. Also, I LOVE the Sibelius. Easily my favorite violin concerto. The subscribers must be getting whiplash from all the programming changes, though — the poor soul who has to keep sending out e-mail blasts.

Thank you — you're too kind. I'll stick to commenting; this episode in particular just brought up several topics I felt the need to address.

That is probably the case. I generally enjoy her performance otherwise (and seriously, those cheekbones). I'm really liking the show, save for a few plot developments in the final 3 episodes of the season. While I do have to roll my eyes every so often, I love the themes they're exploring. It's not so dewy-eyed and

Wow, I'm honestly shocked. Perhaps I'll have to eat a little crow, but I stand by my assessment that she still looks totally amateurish. I suppose I can believe that she plays at a beginner's level, but that means it still looks like a beginner among professionals in the orchestra, whereas I think other actors are

SO much I want to talk about in this episode. Where to begin?

I'm also a cellist, and everything Cynthia does in relation to the cello, from how she carries the case to how she holds the bow while resting, makes it painfully obvious she had never so much as touched a cello before filming this show. Bless her heart.

Rodrigo's wife made me roll my eyes. First, while not all the miming of instrument playing has been credible, this was so impossible that I initially assumed she wasn't supposed to really be playing in the show. There is no way to make those sounds while holding the violin the way she was at the start of the