Remind me to finish Red States Wake Up on a slow day
Remind me to finish Red States Wake Up on a slow day
Quite frankly I’m shocked he: A) drives and B) doesn’t believe a single, unifying wiper speed across all makes and models is sufficient for everyone’s needs.
Yeah, I agree with all that.
Isn’t it a shame that the 4 game suspension cost you the Super Bowl? Oh wait... Be sure to bring it up every opportunity you have still, it never gets old.
America isn’t capitlaistic at all. It’s a kleptocracy.
Who benefited from the call? The Patriots.
No matter your game console, you need to add a passcode and two-factor authentication.
I’m not overly familiar with too many holiday tunes but glad to see my most hated out of the ones I do know made the list. I vote ‘Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time.’ I’ve hated it for years.
In other words - they’re fucking stupid.
She talks like a dumb person’s idea of a smart person. The whole family is like that. Her father is a poor man’s idea of a rich man. Melania’s “smoldering” facial expressions (such as they are) look like what she thinks a model should look like. The 2 sons... well, I don’t know what they’re going for, really, other…
Smash cut to Nanci Pelosi accidentally stabbing herself in the face with the pen used to draft the bill. Chuck Schumer slides in 40 pro-Israeli amendments. Hillary Clinton, despite not being an elected official, promises to eliminate the trucking industry. Corey Booker goes on Fox News and actually says “What’s the…
Trickle down!
You’re right that this is a golden opportunity for the Democrats to create a policy that will appeal to voters by addressing wealth inequality by doing something like drastically hiking taxes on the rich and corporations, as well as pushing something revolutionary like single payer healthcare and other major…
Daily, I wax between “is today the day to start the revolution?” and “I don’t want the FBI kicking down my door.”
SHORT of absolute societal upheaval. This will continue to happen. As long as we fail to get upset and march enmasse then this will continue. Did you hear that the virginia race that was won by one vote is now a tie? I begin to lose hope everyday that people will care about their fellow man enough to stand up and be…
Such a poor argument. No one is suggesting stalinism and you know it. More new deal/ great society mentality, think FDR, Lyndon Johnson.
Boy do I have a game for you...
Go ahead and mock imaginary investments all you want. Last December I invested 10 grand in thoughts and prayers when they were trading for $3.78 a share. Soon after the Vegas and Texas shootings demand hit a premium and I sold at $22,000 a share and cleared a cool $58 million.
As long as most people are comfortable, there won’t be any revolts.