
The biggest lesson of the Civil War was the North was VERY reluctant to got to war in the first place, yet the south didn’t know when to stop.

Seems the Park Service found a photo that proves otherwise.

Thanks, Trump.


Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

To be fair, being paid fairly and having workplace protections of being an employee are really over rated as long as you can troll liberal snowflakes.

Trump puts in a man who detests, loathes, labor and laborers, in charge of the Department of Labor, and now he has begun.

Sure this looks bad on the surface for workers, but, all the high paying coal mining jobs that Trump is going to create will more than balance all of it out.

If you eat meat raised somewhere that isn’t in a drought, that water has re-entered the water cycle. 660 gallons of water weighs just over 2 tons. Burgers weigh a lot less - all of that water is back in nature already and is not used up.

Fixed it for you.

Who is “we”? and who is “our own”? Until we is everyone and our own is everyone this b.s. will continue. Frankly the problem is ready hand guns. Kids fought the same amount 50 years ago as they do now, but instead of a fist fight kids grab their guns and kill someone because of testosterone and then ruin their lives

The Yankees Are Struggling To Put Butts In Seats

Such a fucking piece of shit. You are truly disgraceful and I can’t stand seeing these other politicians pander to you. I wish someone would just publicly put you back in the swamp you crawled out of Trump. Fuck this handshaking/dick measuring contest all these world leaders are doing, call him out on his BS and make

It is true, the most dangerous place in the world is being trapped between Donald and a camera.

This. This is the exact root of it all. They went all in with MAGA. To admit mistake is to admit weakness, which then translate into being gay. For the LGBTQ gays that I know that voted for Trump, it means being Fem which is the most insulting of insults.

Voting for a democrat in their eyes is being guilty by

I have been asking myself this since all the bullshit began: why do they stick with him? I even asked my boss, who is a Trump voter why and she genuinely believes he can represent the middle class and brings jobs back blah blah. It eludes me. Even now with him blatantly screwing them all over they make excuses or

Trump once tried to take an elderly widow’s home from her via eminent domain. So he could build a limo parking lot for his casino.

And Politico reports that the simpletons who voted for the justice obstructing lying racist ignoramus will be hit the hardest. Vote Repub--slit your own throat.

I have two kids. I love my kids.

As a backup, the Bucs shouldn’t give him a Microsoft tablet or a clipboard; he’ll quickly get bored with taking football-related notes and start designing new land war plans for Southeast Asia*.