Same - I bought a Battlefront II PS4 bundle which was actually $50 cheaper than buying a stand alone PS4. They basically paid me $50 to take a copy of Battlefront II off their hands...
Same - I bought a Battlefront II PS4 bundle which was actually $50 cheaper than buying a stand alone PS4. They basically paid me $50 to take a copy of Battlefront II off their hands...
Hi - I’m Karen and I’m posting on Facebook today because I’d like to end my career.
Fox News has already reached out to her with a position as a political pundit.
Zion was CGI right?? Not when they were showing him in the gym - that was obviously the game. But when he was on screen introducing NBA2k. He was clearly CGI....right?? Am I going insane?!?!?
For about $80 and some googling, you can make your own Raspberry Pi unit that includes every Sega genesis game, along with every game from NES, SNES, Atari, Gameboy, and Game Gear. These things are a rip.
For about $80 and some googling, you can make your own Raspberry Pi unit that includes every Sega genesis game,…
Fucking. Nailed. It. Irony in its purest form.
God I loved this show!
How’d you leave out your former colleague Ashley Feinberg’s barbs on this spat??
I was never the same as a 10 yo after watching this. Probably the most terrified I’ve ever been watching a movie. Sticks with me to this day.
Obviously because this 11 year old girl needs to prove what a giant dick she has.
This was fucking poetic. I’ll be drafting a letter asking the Democratic National Convention convention to formally invite you to speak this coming wheneverthefuck they hold that shit show.
is about as smart as a second-grader who doesn’t read much.
Nailed it!
I’m with you. I’m in a 90-10 stocks-bonds mix with the “stocks” really just in a broad S&P 500 index. I’m 36. Whatever the market throws at me, I’m confident I can weather it and come out in good shape.
well...NZ national rugby team is known as the “All Blacks” because they wear all black. I thought it was a clever way to show us how worldly the writer is. I wouldn’t call it cringe af though...
A note on the flip down screen...we have a 2019 (I KNOW!! WE BASIC!!) and when we were looking at it I asked the dealer if we could get it without the screen because I could imagine no scenario where we would use it. Come to find out, it’s all we use now. You plug in a phone/ipad through the HDMI port and my wife…
During football season, you can almost guarantee my gym will be empty from 12p-3pm on saturdays and 1pm-4pm on sundays. I guess depends on your timezone and which team dominates the area.
You just get progressively more obscene as they get older...