
That was my bro. 105 lbs going out for fucking varsity. Coaches just let the fucking 205lb’ers light him up. Day after day. Finally he broke his hand in practice and got to sit out for a bit. Didn’t play after that thank god. Now he’s a lawyer, so his brain wasn’t too scrambled. Or maybe it was. We’ll never know.

I’ve got the OG plugged into a TV in my garage.  I love to watch football out there on weekends in the fall.  I never take the thing down and it’s survived 4 winters now with temps consistently dropping below freezing for extended periods. It’s a rock and it’s staying until it decides to expire on it’s own.

Trudeau got the whole fuckin fam on lock....

It’s almost as if the human body was not meant to participate in the sport of football.

Turf toe? Fucking TURF TOE?!?! You want real pain and suffering?!? I jammed my middle finger last week. I’M AN ACCOUNTANT!!!! YOU EVER TRIED TO COMPLETE YOUR WEEKLY TPS REPORTS WITH A SWOLLEN MIDDLE FINGER?


My good friends got bed bugs. They’re wonderful people, take pride in their home and keep it incredibly clean, yet the infestation found them through innocuous means and turned their lives into a living hell for the past 10 days.

While I’m glad he got convicted of SOMETHING, I think his just dessert would have been being convicted on murder charge.  But hey....baby steps?

“If you’re paying taxes, that means you made money”

Reasonable Doubt. I thought that’s all it took to find someone not guilty. I think this qualifies.

Exactly!  It’s a stock sale, baby!

I think about this probably more than is healthy.  I drop my kids off at day care each morning, and on my drive to work, I find myself wondering if that’s the last time they’ll see me.  If I’ll just get wiped off the face of the earth by an 18 wheeler not paying attention or something.  Then the TPS reports start to

Peterman jokes are all fun and games until he tosses 5 interceptions in one half for YOUR team. And he will.....oh by god he will. Cuz Peterman gon’ Peterman.

Hey - I got two kills in one game last night. A record for me! I’d say it’s working way better than the team mode.  Of course, I was immediately eliminated by a swarm of people....but TWO KILLS!!

Thanks Nicole - you rock.

I think the electorate will respond with a resounding, deafening “Who?”

God damn. This is heartbreaking.

Nicole - You say your at 82/18 stocks to bonds....question: How old are you? I’m 35 and I’m 90/10. Now’s not a good time to shift, obviously, with the greater than normal volatility, but when should I make the adjustment to 85/15 or 80/20?  At 40?  I can’t find a good answer to this question.

I get physical douche chills every time I hear one of these dumb nicknames used in politics. It’s literally the lowest form of attacking your opponent. It strikes me as the politician saying “You, voting citizen, are so dumb and simple minded that I can’t simply attack my opponent on policies or differing views. I have