

I’m not living in the south, nor am I a minority, so there is no way I can even begin to fathom what your life or experiences are like. But I too have that feeling of panic and slow, creeping dread. I’m literally watching the descent of this country into what amounts to madness...to authoritarian rule. It’s ugly, and


Wha...I don’t even....

Maybe this is inappropriate (it is), but I’ve always assumed young dude personal trainers are pretty much in the biz to try to fuck their clients.  My cousin is a trainer and that’s definitely why he got into it.

I work in accounting.  I can verify that Jean is, in fact, an asshole.  And, she never puts covers on her god damn TPS reports!!

Jesus fucking christ....

Consider the libs owned.  Mission accomplished.  Fuck everything.

Just bought a Pilot - and no, I really don’t care where it’s built.  Am I glad it built here?  Sure!  Neat!

His supporters have no idea what irony is outside of that song by that hippie looking chick from the 90s....

We all know he’s already forgotten he made this comment at all. But, I hope he DOES invite the team win or lose. That way, we get to see him all butt hurt when they ALL refuse to go. It will be a very small nugget of goodness in the never ending volcano of shit and garbage spewing from this administration.

I said it earlier this week and I’ll say it again - there should be a national holiday declared for the day Mitch McConnell no longer serves in public offices.  Truly a stain on American history, and humanity as a whole.  A despicable piece of shit.

By now, after the twitter trouncings she has laid on them, you’d think any GOP politician would be furiously deleting their twitter account.  But nah, this fuckweeds are going to double down, and she’s going to continue to own them.  I am here for it.  Hook it to my veins.

Kate - I say this with all due respect, I truly do - but get right the fuck outta here. You are clearly not qualified to judge any food or drink after this article. I surely don’t wish you harm, you seem like a truly lovely woman, but I seriously hope you do some deep soul searching and evaluate how your life has come

Thou doth protest to much, bigoted racist Alabama man....

This country should declare a national holiday the day McConnell is gone from public office.

Beat me to it. They need the help. Otherwise, people are going to start wising up and voting their actual own interests, instead of what the Russian trolls tell them are their interests.

The guidance counselors at my school told my parents that my sister would never graduate and never amount to anything because she was incredibly shy, dyslexic and struggled with math. They said she would never go to college and should focus on her GED.

Don’t be so short sighted. The GOP doesn’t give two shits about abortions. They could care less about illegal immigration. The only thing they care about, and I mean the ONLY thing they care about, is money. How can they get it, how can the keep more of it, and how can they ensure those who don’t have it, never get