
Chillin outside my apartment...

What can you play when your thumb goes astray? Sam & Max is what I say! Fun is just a click away.

No tab? You don't constantly check the scoreboard??

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Good, but this song needs more alicia keys(@1:30)

If it has a ULV i7 the battery life shouldn't be too bad.

Why is it that every room that's plastered with music posters has the slanted wall/ceiling?

Remember one thing... Scooty Puff Jr SUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuucks.

Want now!

Who needs a can/bottle opener that you can lose when you can have one that comes to you, it also comes with a dog.

No no no, the Rabbits are used in the Air Force. For some reason they keep telling people to do barrel rolls...

Technically nothing can actually "suck". Things are just forced from high pressure to low pressure(just about everything is high to low). When you "suck" your favorite beverage through a straw, you are actually creating a low pressure area in your mouth, which causes the liquid to make the journey through the straw

Because mud surprise!

Here I thought I was the only one who has seen Abenobashi. I had only purchased the first two discs. Does the series continue in its greatness?

Paprika was good, but wow was it out there.

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Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi is made by the same producer from Neon Genesis Evangelion and has surprisingly decent English voice actors(still prefer subs). Now, Abenobashi is a bit off the wall, but hillarious.

Can anyone tell me if Miro will grab album artwork nicely/easily?

well played sir

...But how does he take it to a LAN-Party???

Maybe you should've used space star ordering...