
They just need to make sure they don't let Richard Hammond drive it this time.

@digikrynary: *waits for sparta remix of the video*

Sorry, but I prefer actual grain on my notebook...with windows...and an Asus logo.

Now playing

So then no create-a-player/cow(yes, it was in there) a-la hangtime??? That was my favorite part.

@WittyUserName: accidentally... pshh, I did that shit on purpose, was the best part of the game.

@curtis07: I tried it. It made me feel dirty. So I went back...finally got it to work though.

@ScubaGuy: Good thing I had just swallowed my beverage and put it down, otherwise it'd be ALL OVER.

@NeoSkyte: With behind the scenes info and/or art??

@curtis07: I'm really starting to doubt my upgrade to g500 from my gen1 g5. I used uberoptions so I could set wheel tilt in games to reload(worked awesome, till it stopped recognizing the tilt).

Now playing

This also needs to be prefaced with this "How not to build a fireplace" video.

@Cake Tank!: Petition anyone? I'm sure they will have something, judging by the amount of fantastical goodness that was put into the last true NBA Jam game, NBA Hangtime(was made by the original Jam team).

@Mattwdr: Someone get this man a star

@Chon: Or if you have Norton, then they cant hack you.

@Nethlem: 50DKP minus to aquaintance!

Back in high school I had a TI-89, and didn't like to do homework. I knew how to do all of the required things, so I ended up making programs to do all of the work for me. I ended up spending more time doing that than actual homework...still always did well on tests though.

@KamWrex: He also didn't check out the unstarred comments, since I had posted both separate ratios previously.

Well, if I know anything about Lego, its that this guy's 2-year-old cousin will eventually nab this and swallow it after putting countless tooth marks in it.