
Hm, yes — siblings are the obvious exception to the "don't pick people who cause drama" thing. But I'd hope your sister and friend can suck it up and be cordial for your sake (and also not to make themselves look bad). Good luck!

It seemed like in the original poll post there were quite a few people saying they regret having so many bridesmaids because they either 1) caused drama or 2) didn't help enough/didn't throw parties for them/complained about costs/etc.

Silicon Valley on HBO!

If I were you, I'd send a nice card and gift before the wedding and plan a trip to visit her shortly after so you can watch the wedding video with her in person. That's really the most anyone can ask when it comes to a pricey destination wedding.

Good for you for paying for hair/nails/makeup — too many brides think they can require something like that and expect others to pay for it, which is BS. I got pressured into paying over $130 for hair and makeup as a bridesmaid last year, and I was pissed about it (especially since I didn't like the way they did my

I would hope people don’t expect gifts at destination weddings (or, really, gifts from anyone who has to spend lots of money to attend, like the bridal party).

Though it's clear you're coming from the right place, you really shouldn't put any language like that on the invite, or even your wedding website. It's considered rude/against etiquette, as you're basically stating that you were of course expecting gifts but are choosing to reject them. What you can do, however, is

Replying mainly to bump this thread up. Ugh, this whole thing is sickening.

This is sound advice. I also would caution people against asking friends or family who are amateur photographers to do the pictures at a wedding, even if it's for free. Not only should you never ask a friend/family member to do something for free or at a discount (instead, they should always offer first), but often

I'm a white, 26-year-old woman and have been pulled over three times with no ticket (only one of which I was actually doing something illegal). The last two were actually within the last month - kind of a coincidence, but I think being pulled over only three times in 10 years of driving and never getting a ticket does

I always thought I was average-ish in the face department because people almost never commented on my looks in any way growing up (except for being teased in middle school for having bad teeth, which I got fixed in high school). I always assumed truly beautiful girls are told all the time how beautiful they are - and

Did you volunteer to give your sister the gift of a bridal shower? (Note that a bridal shower IS a gift - and a very thoughful and often expensive one. You shouldn't feel obligated to give an additional gift at the wedding unless you can truly afford it and want to do so.)

Did you volunteer to give your sister the gift of a bridal shower? (Note that a bridal shower IS a gift - and a very thoughful and often expensive one. You shouldn't feel obligated to give an additional gift at the wedding unless you can truly afford it and want to do so.)

Agreed. I think it's totally fine to HOPE that people will give you cash, and perhaps spread by word of mouth that you're not registered anywhere/are saving up for something. It's the fees that the websites charge that make me so annoyed with honeyfunds, not the idea in itself.

You're correct. You should only feel obligated give a gift to a shower that you are attending (of course, if you couldn't attend either and still wanted to send a gift for one, that would be very nice). Showers are pretty much the only parties where it's necessary to bring a gift, as that's the whole point of the

I think giving money for weddings is 100% great and actually much more practical these days. HOWEVER, I do think honeyfunds are unnecessary/actually counterproductive. Here's why:

yoga pants dress pants

I'm pretty sure my whole tax refund will be going toward paying (some of) the travel/hotel/gift cost of attending four weddings this summer.

NOOOO that is horrifying.

Yeah... If I were invited to a wedding while in a relationship and my significant other wasn't invited, I would probably either 1) RSVP no by default or 2) call the couple/host and ask as politely as possible if he was invited. Which of those I would choose would depend on how close I was with the couple (i.e.,