
i still would

I'm behind this 100%.

she should totally make an account and PM me then :)

I for one welcome more women in my technical field. Especially recent college grads, on hot summer days.

I'm a 5'7" guy and would not mind dating a taller woman, but of course, they only want tall guys. So, quit whining!

now that is just plain ugggagaly!

BS detector

I need to get "to the bottom" of this issue. I need a female sidekick reporter.

i'd like a retrial with Judge Juggies

no love for springpad or uyh?

@CPPStud: guess nobody here's seen kill bill? or is able to joke on a ridiculous topic? or has a sense of humor at all?

thy cll m dctr Bck, nd `m hr t fck

ok...I have to say the to-dos don't work for me. I have an old iPhone and the battery life is poor so I disable push notifications. Without those, neither RTM nor Toodledo worked out for me.

I should be making 75k starting next year....in NYC. So twice that would be a closer figure to the ideal salary.

it's not the knowledge that matters, it's the degree :(

cool thanks a lot! dropbox is very useful.

i should forward this to my ex wife. not that she would use it, she likes to have the opportunity to bitch at me, about how she has no money because of me, , using the iPhone her boyfriend,who she lives with, gave her. FML.

got my RayBan Aviator, brand new with warranty and case, from a garage sale for ... $45. And I like the fact that it says RayBan on the lens. sorry.

I have been wanting to lucid dream for a while now... I imagine that's how it would be.

how well does it work on first generation iPhones (without gps)?