I assume you have seen the Hype Train regarding the weird ingsoc.org site going on here: https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsol…
I assume you have seen the Hype Train regarding the weird ingsoc.org site going on here: https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsol…
Holy hell...I’m speechless. It looks like everything I’ve wanted since KHII.
Ah, sorry. I misinterpreted your point there.
Potions I get. Geralt is supposed to have much faster than many of the things he is fighting. Hence, I could imagine him quickly snagging a potion and chugging it down, no problem. Fixing weapons, however...yeah, that requires a suspension of disbelief (in regards to the rules the game has set forth).
I’m going to go with ‘no’ on this one. The look of the game on PC running at 2k resolution is just amazing. I put it to 1080p on a smaller monitor, and the difference was night and day. I doubt my PS4 would look anywhere close to how good it looks on my PC (and I prefer to use my PS4 for offline RPGs).
It’s subla-fabulous!
Yeah but it's not Nintendo...so it doesn't count to Nintendo. See how that works?
Please say Michael Bay is attached, please say Michael Bay is attached...
I want this game badly, but even I have come to accept that it is dead. As others have said, it truly is a good thing, as, at this point, our expectations are too high to be answered. At least we have Ico and Shadows of the Colossus.
It depends from person to person. However, I find that, over time, you get used to it and can play on it longer. I have yet to try this, but I would assume the rolling would be a lot like barrel rolls, which I do not get motion sick from on the OR.
Ah, well. I will probably get that one too :-) I am 100% behind these guys.
There is talk of being a 2nd Dev Kit in the next couple months. However, to the best of my knowledge, there has been no word on when. I am of the opinion that IF the Rift is slated to be released towards the end of 2014, there will be no 2nd Developer Kit.
That is exactly what I did two weeks ago, and I have ZERO regrets. It is totally worth every penny.