It actually doesn’t matter! HSAs are extremely flexible tax-sheltered vehicles, and you can use them on any tax-dependent upon you regardless of their current insurance coverage.
It actually doesn’t matter! HSAs are extremely flexible tax-sheltered vehicles, and you can use them on any tax-dependent upon you regardless of their current insurance coverage.
That is a really good mindset to have. Thanks for the comment!
Yea that is completely understandable. The healthcare industry is changing, and it is hard when employers make it difficult for their employees. I would recommend a HealthEquity HSA to your brother. They make it really easy and convenient with the way their accounts are setup. You can send your brother to…
Unfortunately, your current HRA disqualifies you from contributing to an HSA because it provides coverage below the minimum IRS deductible for an HSA-qualified plan. I typically contact HealthEquity with any questions like this. If you have further questions their number is 866.346.5800
Give your HSA custodian a call because every administrator has various convenient payment options.
Donald Trump is actually thinking about passing legislation to make HSAs available to everyone. Definitely look for this, but if your plan currently qualifies sign up for an HSA! My family uses HealthEquity for ours, and we love it. You can view their product at if you want more information.
Great question! I would back-up Beths comment about searching on the exchanges for a compatible health plan, and make sure the deductible qualifies. I use HealthEquity for my HSA, and they have an awesome product that is free for most members. You can get more information here if you’re interested:…
Great feedback on the benefits of lower premiums through a high-deductible health plan. I would look at contributing to an HSA again though. You never lose the money that you put in your HSA because it rolls over from year to year, and if you are extremely healthy for your entire life you can eventually withdraw the…