
How many times is he going to call her Ms. Steele? It's so awkward to hear him say it … To say any of it.

Bland love interest is right on point. And what is with his hair? Is that the style now since I am so clearly not in the MTV demographic anymore?

I'm late to the game … How the f did Girls beat out OITNB? And when I watched Hitting the Fan, I knew it was good but I didn't realize it was that good. I guess it deserves another viewing.

I did start thinking though 'if they killed off Eva Green in this episode, would I still continue to watch?' Because as magnificent as she was here, she does truly carry the show and it really wouldn't have been able to recover. So thank god for impromptu exorcisms.
I didn't mind the Creature as much. He is

I miss the first season. It was such a guilty pleasure … Now it's just something I pause to watch the new Penny Dreadful early on my xfinity app.

Thanks. I'll tell my autocorrect.

I have a feeling Kira knew. She is such a special child.

So so glad this show didn't hit the awful sophomore slump. I know it was close at the halfway point but of course, they came back strong. That moment when Kira called on Cosima and the white light shined, I was holding my breath. Even though I knew they wouldn't take Cosima from me in a finale of all episodes, I did

I'm annoyed by the Creature. He's killing off perfectly good characters and taking up valuable screen time.
And is there anyone Dorian Gray won't have sex with? I guess he's good looking but almost too pretty. Is sir Malcolm next?
The random rotating in air was awesome. More of that next week please.

When I saw it go up in flames, I tried to figure out which part would have the children in it. The building(s) on the right weren't completely in flames yet so maybe there was time for them to get out. Or not. It is Helena and she can be unpredictable.

Great episode. Didn't mind the flashbacks at all because obviously this is a character we care about and the storyline was never going to be complete without the full history. Previous extended flashbacks did not work because I wasn't yet invested in the characters so I just didn't care. But wow Eva Green carries

I am so surprised by how much I'm enjoying the Tara and Johnny show. When he said that line about proper usage of headbanding, I was tweeting that up. But in general, it's such a refreshing alternative to the Scott Hamilton/Sandra Bezic commentary (for singles skating). Scott's grunting, his heavy sighs, and the