
I agree mostly with this. I'd love to see Jinkx take it, but my brain tells me to ignore my heart. I can't see Alyssa not lip syncing for her life against Coco before Coco leaves though (as some kind of vindication for Alyssa and a probable reconciliation for the former friends).

With a body like that, he's Grindr/Jack'd/Scruff material.

I kind of refuse to watch the January Jones video because it seems awful to have paparazzi yelling questions about if you're a cheater/whore or not. Its like interacting with trolls on here and elsewhere, if you engage you're only giving them power.

Jenny Bicks and Cindy Chupack wrote many episodes of the show, along with several other credited women writers (and yes, men too).

After several years of solid gym work and protein shakes, I added muscle. However, thanks to a declining paycheck and bills to pay, I'm going to have to give up on a gym membership and my usual protein tubs. How can I maintain what I developed without withering up?

Man, the dead members of the Ramones are probably rolling over in their graves at these rock stars selling out...wait, a cat and its owner are not rock stars?

Congrats on your sister's marriage!

Sure, he could have changed the tone of his website to increase page views (maybe he had internal data that the negativity was hurting his overall income). He could revert back to the negativity (for all I know, he has since I don't read his site regularly anymore). If he does revert back, he should be hassled like

Well, this very article says that he's directing donations to GLSEN and Save the Music, something he clearly doesn't have to do. Off of memory, he's made an It Gets Better video, wrote a children's book about Acceptance, and expressed regret on a recent appearance of 1 Girl, 5 Gays (on Logo) about making fun of

When Ken Mehlman came out a few years ago, Gawker's Brian Moylan demanded that no gay man ever sleep with Mehlman due to Mehlman's involvement with getting state bans on gay marriage in 2004. Now Mehlman is leading the way in getting Republicans to file briefs in support of overturning Proposition 8 and supporting

The only people that need to watch Access Hollywood Live are Jezebel and E's The Soup so they can make fun of it later.

Well, I meant to get to the accessory question but got lost in describing my friends that never made me feel that way (I have plenty). However, there are times when I've been called "the gay friend" or told, "Let's go shopping!"in some derivative, stereotypical fashion. I don't take it personally really. My

I have several female friends and I seem to be their closest gay male friend (sometimes only gay male friend, but mostly due to geography). Laurie is one of my closest female friends and I'm not offended when I'm called her gay husband, her real husband often supports the term as well. Her husband is moving for

+1, that's some Deadspin commenter wit right there.

I cannot wait to see her on Billy on the Street this week.

I can't believe The Real World has never filmed in Atlanta.

Well, without throwing shade since you're not a regular watcher of the show but Lisa is also on the Beverly Hills show and is Brandi's close friend.

I remember cringing when she held up some crappy tabloid in front of Jolie for one of their many interviews, daring her to respond to it (but not really because it was an easy question to avoid). So I'm not totally disagreeing with you. I think she got jerked around by the Today Show shenanigans behind the scenes,

She's regularly interviewed Angelina Jolie and as a result had exclusive interviews with Brad Pitt after he hooked up with Jolie. Criticize Curry if you must, but both Jolie and Curry have highlighted the devastation of the war in Sudan and earthquake destruction in Haiti and Iran, so that's probably why Jolie likes

The Dealbreaker talk show will always be my favorite, the bonus of Hope and Bo from Days of our Lives at the end was icing on the cake.