
As a gay man, the sex questions are really difficult to decide (except for a hangnail fingerbang - no no no). I may only be able to vote for chocolate questions.

I was hoping for something more serious, Sleepy Hollow without the music. This feels like The Addams Family set in the 70s, but terrible.

You had me at Now, you had me at now, sniffle sniffle.

My gym is small and doesn't have locker rooms, but 3 individual bathrooms with only one of them with a shower. Last night, I saw two older teenagers go into the bathroom with the shower together (guy and a girl). There wasn't a gym manager around (at the time, only one other older lady was at the gym too, on an

It would be surprising if it was actually RDJ since there are many blind items about a supposedly sober actor that keeps falling off the wagon. Everyone on Gawker and CDaN usually guesses RDJ. I doubt we'll ever officially know since RDJ would probably get sued in today's litigious culture by his former friends.

God help me if my future employer demands to know my Gawker/Jezebel screen name to see which articles I comment on. Even worse, if they don't hire me because I voted for Cake, Cats, and The Christmas Shoes in Jezebel's tournament posts.

Ladybugs was pretty awesome.

I have no knowledge of how the rest of the season will go, but I can't see Milan or Jiggly making it any further in the next few weeks. Milan's Diana Ross was frightening, Jiggly reminds me too much of last season's Stacey in that they are out of their league on the show. Phi Phi is unbearable, completely jealous of

Wait, they wanted to remake The Bodyguard already?

Lifehacker recommended Unfriend Finder recently and I've found it useful. A few of my friends repeatedly deactivate their profiles and its frustrating to see them suddenly announce on the news feed that they are back. It also came in handy when a friend deleted me for a complaint about Facebook I made (he had told

There is something called Unfriend Finder that Lifehacker recommended you can use. It tells you if someone deletes you or deactivates their profile. It's become very useful because like you, I'd freak out when I'd go from 194 to 192 to 195 friends within a few days.

Something about the cat rubbing its face on an iguana to George Michael's Careless Whisper felt incredibly inappropriate, yet incredibly hilarious at the same time. [procatinator.com]

Since this is Deadspin, all I can say is +1.

I can imagine having sex with Mr. Taggart..., "Tag me baby! Make me have a vision of Joseph Smith! Yes, yes, Tag it, tag it, right there, Holy Moly!"

Poor baby looks like it has some genital warts.

and you can also watch it on logotv.com

By the power of three times three, make them see, make them see!

And also, Diaz's father is from Spain via Cuba according to her wikipedia page.

Exactly, but also she is about to lick Liam's (cake's) perineum, which isn't exactly a bad thing.

It was cute and better than the Hangover's monkey.