Bon Jovi’s twice that to Booker has me confused for that reason - 2800 each from Mr and Mrs Bon Jovi?
Bon Jovi’s twice that to Booker has me confused for that reason - 2800 each from Mr and Mrs Bon Jovi?
that reflects my experience when I lived there in my youth...
...but at least one of those categories vote for him pretty reliably, so he’s able to resist saying the quiet part loud, if only in this one instance.
yeah, I feel this. My parents were generally tolerant (or at least quiet about any intolerance they had), though through the inherent racism from growing up in a time and part of the world (Northeast PA coal country in the 50s and 60s where it’s entirely possible some folks had never seen a person who didn’t look like…
yesterday afternoon they really leaned into it as well. Calling them “racist tweets” and talking about “past racist behavior from the President”, both in newscasts, and in interviews with Republican strategists, and actually calling them out on inaccuracies in the “spin”. It was refreshing.
my (admittedly limited) conversations with doctors themselves are just as frustrated with the existing for-profit system - insurance is all about finding ways to not pay for things, which affects the medical community as much as it does the patient receiving care.
the history major (with a focus on Russia/Eastern Europe) in me appreciates this post, in a ”laugh to keep from cryin’ “ sort of way...
I managed to get a high-capacity dryer in the back (in the carton), and was able to close the hatch! So much room.
I had an ‘06 with the 5-speed MT and loved every minute of driving it for almost 100k until it took an Isuzu Rodeo to the back and got totaled.
nah, Maron’s gotta play Stan Lee in the inevitable biopic.
not the only one My mind immediately went there too.
I was on the edge with this one, but as I have many fine memories of riding around in a similar example with two-tone blue/white paint owned by my Scoutmaster in the 80s, it edges into NP territory.
that’s pretty much exactly what they were, and I loved them for the hot minute they were actually on sale. Virginia is not exactly a hot-bed of Jack In The Box locations, so I really appreciated them.
as did I; the smell of chocolate as you enter Hershey, PA was always a treat. However, I always kind of wished for a chocolate war between Hershey’s and M&M Mars down the road in Elizabethtown...delicious, delicious chocolate war...
“radical” really only gets used by “cool” youth pastors these days....
I may have conflated it with another program, but wasn’t Shyamalan actually *in* Curse?
Gorgeous vehicle, certainly. Clean, well-apportioned, with tasteful improvements. Still, I can’t see paying almost $40K for a 30 year old German car with almost 200k on the odometer, even a damned-near perfect manual wagon. CP.
I can only imagine the Metro tomorrow, full of MAGA hats mucking things up more than usual.... #walkleftstandright
oh, there’s probably an unused one buried in a crate in a disused corner of some DRMO warehouse somewhere that got lost in inventory for 70 years...