
So what does the rollback mean for the climate? How many degrees is it going to raise it?

Can you link to a stronger transmission? I haven’t heard of that. The 2019 dual mass flywheel will definitely help the transmission out though.

Its simple to increase HP with more RPM. Its hard to increase torque and this new engine is proof positive of that. When I say simple I mean from a concept stage it would be easy to predict for the engineering team how much more power they could make with an extra 700 rpm, but then all the tedious work of actually

The fridge probably runs on propane as every trailer that I have seen does this.

I’ve seen so many people driving around in AMG ugly ass crossovers then I can count, pretty sure most of them buy it because its the “best”.

I can’t like both? My dream garage: ND Miata, Chevy SS, Ford Raptor, KTM dirt bike, Yamaha Super Jet, Mountain Bike. I’m almost there too.  No one needs powerful cars but if you can’t appreciate powerful cars then I really don’t how to talk to you. Seems you are just a hater?

Cars have the same tech pickup trucks do but its the consumers that have decided they want bigger (crossovers) and faster cars that manufacturers have to make stay in business. I don’t think manufacturers should be punished for making cars that consumers demand, and if the government is going to force them to make

Obama didn’t have to fly PRIVATE if he actually gave a damn about climate change. Some intellectual honesty would be nice instead “do as I say and not what I do” mentality. I have no problem with people flying private, hell I have even done it, but I believe that the free market is the best way to distribute a scarce

At least you are honest. So you want to prevent people from burning too much fuel that they bought? Why not just have a maximum amount of fuel you can use per year? Why does the great hollywood “enviromentalists” and Barack Obama fly private planes everywhere if this is what they care about? Barack Obama (after he was

More efficiency doesn’t mean more power. Compare any car with multiple engine options and the ones with less power are more efficient.

You really need to distinguish that these are C02 emissions. Car manufactures are doing this because they still want be able to sell powerful and big cars that people want instead of economy cars. It seems most people on a car blog site would be supportive of this.

I engine swapped a 1975 FJ40 (before they were smog exempt) with a 1994 Chevy V6, it passed 1994 Chevrolet emissions on a dyno but failed smog because the computer was for an auto and I used an SM465 (big manual 4 speed). So in summary 1975 vehicle with 1994 emissions isn’t good enough for CA, but a 1975 vehicle with

That’s not an argument. Doesn’t matter if its a “direct referral” if its wrong. Try giving evidence next time.

Lol, reading comprehension, Trump isn’t revoking current standards only the future ones.

This is only about carbon emissions which isn’t smog.

It is a slippery slope if it means they can regulate fuel economy which has nothing to do with air quality or for that matter with global carbon emissions. It is a fact that people who commute long distances already buy more fuel efficient cars and people like me who don’t commute would rather buy trucks and sports

The article states that this will revoke California’s regulation of carbon emissions which don’t affect our ability to breath. IMHO California shouldn’t dictate the fuel economy of vehicles and therefore what vehicles can be sold or not. It will artificially raise the price of trucks, and sports cars and lower the

I gave you a star for the quote even though I don’t agree.

Yeah we can agree to disagree. I’ll never buy a black or dark grey car, everybody has one. Doesn’t matter if the panoramic glass retracts outward or inward you still lose headroom due to the mechanics that make it work are still inside the roof line when its closed. My point is there are a lot of downsides to a

Sorry a big glass panel on a roof doesn’t look as nice as painted sheet metal.