
Why should he bother reaching out? The stuff Obama did and tried to do was less radical than what Sanders wants, and Republicans still wouldn’t let him have anything. Republicans aren’t interested in compromise, so why should he be, especially since him compromising would make it worse for the rest of us?

I blame Hillary because she treated Trump the way that most of his did, like he didn’t have a chance in hell in winning. That’s fine for us, but if you’re running against him, that’s a different story. She just knew she was going to win, thought she had it in the bag, so she could skip some states because, hey, she

Yea, but the city’s police department crisis and Black police chief Darryl Boykins remain the albatross round his neck!

Her problem is that she’s willing to drop liberal stances that obviously don’t make sense (although she does hold with the wealth tax despite the history of such policies not being great and her “solutions” to that being closer to whitewash), such that she doesn’t have the same “loyalty” to progressiveness that

I’ll be first to tell you as a Bernie supporter that I’m perfectly fine with a Warren presidency and will vote for her without much reservation BUT regarding that 4th point I highly suggest you read Native American activist Rebecca Nagle’s articles and threads on the “kerfuffle” Warren caused with her ancestry test. I

Fuck. Why does T.I. have to be kinda right about something. I thought I was safe writing him off. Blegh.

I like Warren, but she hasn’t run a very good campaign. The shift in M4A, while probably smart policy, just made her look wishwashy in a culture that prides itself on sticking your fingers in your ears and refusing to consider the possibility that maybe you are wrong and need to adjust your ideas. Then her attack on

Stick around, uranium; I may un-gray you, but not on the same day you were created.

Mayo Pete isn’t here to appeal to us, he’s here to appeal to the type of person who likes the status quo but would like it to be a little less blatantly racist. Not racist free mind you, just less blatantly so. So he’s here for the people who like Joe and prefers candidates who use a lot of words to say nothing.

Now playing

Naw, dude. No Guy Fieri slander will be tolerated.

Wait...no pink? At all? This is a legit inquiry. No Medium Rare?

LOL! I just imagined A Cookout Colonizer going on a rampage eating all the catfish and drinking all the brown liquor across America.

Oh wait, we already have Guy Fieri.

7. FOR SURE.  Cookouts referenced here are not picnics but shared communal gatherings and I’m not part of that community. What am I going to add? (I think some of us are mistaking an invitation as validation.)  Invite me to your kid’s wedding, your Christmas party. I’d love to come.

Once upon a time I stumbled into a cookout uninvited. In my defense it was being held at a little used public park and I saw a bunch of event tents, smelled BBQ and heard Parliament and thought, “Ooo! A fair!”

It turned out to be a reunion of Africville survivors.

Being a White Guy who has been invited to cook outs I have some rules to help things go better for you

My inlaws are mid-western classic white bread middle class whites whereas I come from an Italian mother and a dad who spent his entire childhood in Europe. Childhood for me was full of fresh-made pasta, fish frys, some baller BBQ, and tons of charred, well-seasoned steaks.

As a gay, white man when I got to 7 I went, “Got it. Done”.

Sometimes you just want to be surrounded by your folk. 

5. Because inviting every white person who just happens to just not be a terrible person makes us seem thirsty as fuck.

This is a quality “back in my day” post right here.

Because this cookout invite energy is never reciprocated. We don’t get public invites to the pierogi casserole potluck campout or whatever the fuck when we do kind things for them, so let’s just keep our cookouts separate but equal.