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    The neighbours who identified to the Nazis where Jewish families were hiding weren't technically Nazis either. But fuck them just as much as anyone wearing a uniform. You march on the same street as someone carrying a swastika, you put on the jersey of the team you support.

    We'd only be 933 years in to the 1,000 year Reich had those outside agitators stayed home, which somehow feels like less time than the 3 years 4 months remaining of Trump…

    PIck 6 with 6 being Drake's nickname for Toronto. He makes dad puns!.

    After Jerry and Beth's adventure on the fake Titanic, Jerry pretty much admitted that he was sexually assaulted by an Eastern European man.

    Everything with aliens?

    Imagine opening up entirely new worlds of opportunity and story rather than, say, recycle yet another white male. Welcome to the 2000s little buddy.

    Only one sexist here pal, and one who simply cannot see past his dick.

    There are maybe 1.5% of women and 15% of adult males on earth who would use such a terrible moniker as Sir Winston Douchechill. It's not even assonance, Church and Douche are not intererchangeable, unlike, say, the gender of a fictional character on a long-running TV show.

    It's really Canada's shame, that Tim's is so bad. You know, that and residential schools….

    Let's hope she doesn't get Dixie Chicked.

    The Republicans have not been the party of Lincoln since about . .. maybe 1967 or 1968, but no one really seems to have noticed until recently. It's like visiting a young cousin and he's grown a foot and you're like 'damn when did that happen'

    I find myself reading more and more Mencken in this most terrifying of all election years.

    No. Saw them there also but they also performed regularly at whatever the upstairs pub above The Toucan was called back in the early 1980s. Was rarely sober enough to remember….

    Which Trudeau elbow… the cute living one or the grim skeleton one?

    Raises hands and many many drinks.

    Hip confession time. I remember seeing them often when they were the house band at a local pub. I never really became a fan, and I never really understood their popularity, but certainly besides Sir John A MacDonald and Don Cherry, they are my hometown's biggest exports and nice people. Nice people before they were

    Looking forward to this album — ordered the vinyl on Amazon, the first Eno vinyl I have bought since Ambient 4.