
“On the way to Chicago, he felt something off with the breaks.”

Yes - the FiST was like 17,000 $ USD loaded up . So if its going to cost more than that - it needs to be faster./ 

Or a Toyota Sienna?

You mean it doesn’t look grotesque and exaggerated, and that isn’t enough because the car has to communicate excitement if they put in a low revving turbo 4 and numb electric steering. I appreciate your point of view.

Wow, your Dodge Stealth was probably the un-stealthiest Dodge Stealth in the history of Dodge Stealths.

I’m going to call some bullshit (having owning TWO PHAETONS) One currently (10 years of VW Phaeton experience):

Yeah, why would you put that in writing?  Just careless...

Only the Stockholm Syndrome VW owners would shrug this off and continue on . . . and all for something boring with almost no value. I’d rather wipe my ass with cash just to say I did it than waste it repairing a VW product. Hell, I’d probably even rather have a Chrysler product!

So... you leave your lane completely... then decide you want it back once someone else is now occupying it... then ram them back and claim it's their fault and the should have yielded to you?

Why would he be stuck from home? Just pull the drive shaft, put it in 4H (or 4HL if manual) and go home anyway?

makes you wonder what sort of insurance they had on it.

Coincidentally, a friend of mine was stuck 150 miles from home last night because the U-join on his FJ Cruiser exploded on the highway.  Probably not really the car’s fault, I know, just figured it was worth a mention.

Pretty sure the mechanic did it for him.  After 4 months of no success fixing it, he probably decided he would save his friend some money and just torch the thing.

I mean, history says you’re obviously wrong here.

Well, they sell new cars, or sometimes newish used cars. Things that are catastrophic for the 2nd and 3rd owner out of warranty aren’t a huge concern. 

It’s one circle.

I’m guessing the Venn Diagram of these mouthbreathers and the “Blue Lives Matter” crowd is a couple overlapping circles....

I’d take those guys, at least they have some decent jam sessions 

so peaceful

Talk about stupid, consider this little tale. A few weeks back, I was driving through a smallish town in north Georgia. An area that serious Trump-country. Seems like every other house has a collection of Trump flags flying. As is their right, of course. So anyway, I’m driving along with a Biden decal (just one, not