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    I'm writing this just so you get a reminder to watch it. Because it's great, even if you barely know of his work.


    Impossible to say… but they're more in the range of APC than Tool. As a huge Tool and APC fan, spin that playlist I linked to earlier in this thread - as it will most likely match your sensibilities too (famous last words). https://open.spotify.com/us…

    I'm also turned off by the juvenility of the titles. It makes it hard to take seriously even in the slightest. But I just try to look past it. Personally, I'm not into any of the remix stuff. I love most of the songs on Money Shot and prefer it over all their other albums because of how much more somber it is, but

    Of course it comes down to personal opinions and tastes, but here are my favorite tunes from MONEY SHOT: Grand Canyon, The Remedy, and Simultaneous. Outside that album: Polar Bear (personal fave), REV 22:20, and Sour Grapes.

    I'm offended you think there are only a few solid tunes coming out of them - especially performed during this "Money Shot" tour. May god have mercy on your soul, which apparently has weird taste in music. :) I personally think their latest album is worthy of many gold records. Maybe you haven't listened to them

    Ah, yes. That happens to be why I loved it. The show completely nullified out any notion of what we should expect from a "rock concert". Puscifer is trying to establish that they're not JUST a musical band. It ended up being, perhaps, the most entertaining shows I've ever been to.

    Baffled in what way?

    I'm sorry to be mean-spirited, but I have to say it.
    I was excited about this, until I watched the Indiegogo video with the creator. I don't trust him to do a good job whatsoever. He can't even direct himself well.