
I think Barry might meet Wells-2 and have a worse time getting over Wells-1 being evil than he did with Jay. And he might have reason to.

It's what they would do if they dressed in animal suits.

That's when the hotels are available.

Do you also think gay men are pedophiles and black men are rapists?

We were told the truth, but I don't think we have the whole truth. I think Pilcher's holding back his own involvement with the devolution of man. He "foresaw" the decline and built the town to avoid it, but his foresight may be more than seeing a trend. He could have known mankind would turn out that way because he

Last episode Ethan came across what appears to be a storehouse, with lines of bins stretching into the distance with commodities like coffee, sugar, etc. Someone built up supplies for a long survival period, it seems. And the figure at the end of this episode looked like Gollum, who was a twisted hobbit, but in this

The doors were to storage bins for food and other supplies. One was labeled Coffee, another was Sugar, etc. There were a lot of bins lined up into the distance, and I assume a lot more "aisles" in the facility. The town was built and supplied for a long winter, it seems.

The assumption is that Wayward Pines is a fake world and the outside world is real. Perhaps it is Wayward Pines that's the real world and "outside" is the illusion. The town is where people wake up from the Matrix-like dream.

It's marketed as a cross between "Twin Peaks" and "The Prisoner", started off like "Lost" with hints of time dilation, suggested there might be a "Life on Mars" thing going, the pilot ended looking like "The Dome", and I think it might be going in a "Cabin in the Woods" direction. Forget there being a twist at the

Stray observation: The alias Sigerson is the name of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother.

The point of Jim killing The Man out of vengeance is to set him up to become The Spectre.

Only Joan's cup was poisoned. Andrew's father wouldn't want his son killed, only the woman he didn't want him to marry.

With a spooooon!